Educational Opportunities

Providing Chassidishe educational material for our youth is vital.
With that in mind, we offer complimentary access to our magazine for high schools, yeshivos, and camps.

Educational Opportunities

Providing Chassidishe educational material for our youth is vital. With that in mind, we offer complimentary access to our magazine for high schools, yeshivos, and camps.

Derher Club

Girl’s High Schools

Derher Club is a powerful initiative across multiple girls’ high schools that brings fresh chayus into the schools, captivating students and staff alike. The girls participate in monthly “Derher clubs” where they read, discuss, and review relevant Derher articles together with games and treats.

“Even girls that usually are ‘not the type’ sat in bed into the night, reading their Derher magazines.”

– Leba F., Chabad High School teacher

“Through their reading & the monthly gatherings, the girls are given the opportunity to see and appreciate the Rebbe’’s broad vision and how relevant it is for us nowadays.”

– Chaya M., Chabad High School principal


Derher for Yeshivos

Derher started as a bochurim’s publication. Since then, bochurim have been enjoying complimentary monthly magazines in their yeshivos, which adds flavor and richness to a bochur’s yeshiva experience.

Additional Offerings

Derher for Camps

While school’s out, summer camps take center stage, and Derher is there to inspire the kids with Chassidishe content. Any camp that wishes can request Derher For Kids magazines to enhance their campers’ summer experience.


At select times, we publish a supplementary magazine dedicated to special occasions or themes.


We provide communities with a sample of Derher by offering a few complimentary copies to place in their shuls for three months.

Derher Content

Derher Content

