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“The Derher online archive is truly a treasure trove of information. Before my trip to Kazakhstan, I searched the archive, and printed all the articles about the Rebbe’s father. I read them with the group on our plane and it was amazing to get that background before our trip!”
-Sruli S.
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The Rebbe's Farbrengens
Introduction to the Rebbe's Farbrengens
"Farbrengens Then and Now" - The history and specialty of the Rebbe's farbrengens
"Farbrengens Then and Now" - Roundtable discussion on appreciating the greatness of the Rebbe's farbrengens
Reb Yoel Kahn offers a general description of the Rebbe's farbrengens
"When I met the Baal Shem Tov" - How the Rebbe's farbrengens transformed my life; Reb Yisroel Horowitz
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe can answer personal questions during a sicha
Ksav Yad - Receiving the greatest Bracha from the Rebbe at his Farbrengen
The Rebbe makes heavenly sedarim in a surprise farbrengen - Yoman of 29 Nissan 5735
"On Air" - Broadcasting the Rebbe's farbrengen via hookup
"Let the World See" - The history of the live broadcast of the Rebbe's farbrengens on TV
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe responds to reports about the farbrengen broadcast on TV
The Rebbe's Family
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
A biographical sketch of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
"A Precious Pearl" - Stories about the Rebbetzin's early years
"In the Presence of Royalty" - Personal encounters with the Rebbetzin
"Upholding the House of Lubavitch" - Stories of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka
"New Chassidim" - Story of how the Rebbetzin brought some of her relatives closer to the Rebbe
"Servicing Royalty" - A conversation with Reb Mendel Notik
Personal memories of the Rebbetzin - Rabbi Levi Azimov
The Events of 22 Shevat 5748
Bochurim Remember the Events of 22 Shevat 5748, roundtable discussion
Reflections of a Chossid on 22 Shevat
Perspective on a Chossid's approach to 22 Shevat
The Rebbe's change in conduct after 22 Shevat
The Rebbe commemorates 22 Shevat in the following years
Horaos and peulos of the Rebbe in connection with 22 Shevat
A Ksav Yad about the Rebbetzin's picture, and a letter to someone who is named after her
Pictures - "The Rebbetzin's 4th Yahrtzeit" - 22 Shevat 5752
22 Shevat 5752
Pictures - "The Rebbetzin's Meidelach" - Lag B'omer 5750
22 Shevat 5748
22 Shevat 5749
22 Shevat 5752
Harav Levi Yitzchok
"A Towering Giant" - The story of the Rebbe's father, Harav Levi Yitzchok, and his rise to leadership in a spiritually dark time
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe edits a description of his father in English
"Against All Odds" - Reb Levi Yitzchok standing up to the government
A lesson for those connected to the Rebbe's father, Reb Levi Yitzchok
The Rebbe on the mesiras nefesh of his father
Chassidim speak about their encounters with the Rebbe's father
"Crying and Dancing" - Tishrei in the presence of Harav Levi Yitzchok
The Rebbe's peulos in memory of his father
The Histalkus of Reb Levi Yitzchok
"Secret Comminucation" - How two brothers renovated the Ohel of Reb Levi Yitzchok
Rebbetzin Chana writes about her husband in her memoirs
"No Backing Down" - A lesson from Reb Levi Yitzchok's standing up to the Communists
"The Rav of Yekaterinoslav" - The story of his trials and leadership
"Strength in the Face of Tyranny" - The Rebbe tells stories about his father
"The Telling Picture" - The pictures of the Rebbe's father
"Increasing Torah Learning in the Golden Age" - The Kolel the Rebbe founded for elders in memory of his father
Chof Av 5704
Chof Av 5744
Chof Av 5745
Pictures - Chof Av Moments with the Rebbe
Pictures - Shachris with the Rebbe on Chof Av 5722
The Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok
"Broad Perception and Meticulous Precision" – The Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok
"Precious Little of a Vast Treasure" - How we received the Torah of the Rebbe's father
"Exploring The Depth" - A small sampling of the Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok
"Interpreting The Depth" - The Rebbe's teachings on his father's Torah
"The Sacred Scar" (A story in the Zohar) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"A Focused Storm" (Yonah being cast into the sea) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"The Giant Bones" (of those who perished in the Mabul) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"The Deer Trapping Rabbi" (Rabbi Chiya's efforts in preserving Torah) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"Tzitzis In or Out" (The story in the Zohar and the Chabad custom) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"He is Alive" (The Zohar's description of Rashbi's final moments) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah
"When Giving is Not Getting" - A story in the Zohar about true mesiras nefesh
"Where to Draw the Line?" - A lesson from a story in Gemara about passionate zealotry or kindness and compassion
"It's About Who You Know" - Sometimes all it takes is a friend that is living with angels
"What Do We Really See?" - Why the Tannaim needed to use sights around them to understand Torah
"Divine Impulse" - When does Hashem want to make a miracle for us and when is a mitzvah supposed to be performed via natural means
"Lettuce, Cucumbers and Radishes" - Why does the Gemara use these to describe the great wealth of two great individuals?
"Poverty is a Thing?" - Why is merely being poor a deserving reason to reward a person
Rebbetzin Chana
The Rebbetzin's Histalkus
"Majestic Memoires" - An overview of the memoires of Rebbetzin Chana in which she writes of her husband and reflects on the Rebbe
"The Reunion" - The Rebbe’s historic visit to Paris in 5707, where he reunited with his mother, Rebbetzin Chana
Pictures of the Rebbe's reunion with his mother in Paris, France in Adar - Sivan 5707
Rebbetzin Chana's letter about her memoires
"Memories with Rebbetzin Chana" - An interview with Rabbi and Mrs. Leibel and Dvonya Alevsky
Ksav Yad - Letters of the Rebbe thanking people for naming after Rebbetzin Chana
First person encounters with Rebbetzin Chana
"True Devotion" - The Rebbe's daily visits to his mother
Pictures - Vov Tishrei with the Rebbe
Vov Tishrei 5735 - The Rebbe speaks about Miriam bas Bilga
Vov Tishrei 5750
Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib
"The Rebbe's Brother" - The story of Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib and his passing
When Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib farbrenged
The Frierdiker Rebbe's dream of Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib
Publishing Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib's work
The Rebbe's appreciation for initiatives in his brother's memory
Yoman of Yud-Gimmel Iyar 5712 and a facsimile of a letter written by Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib to Rebbetzin Chana
Acharei - Kedoshim 5745
"The Two Names Are One" - A lesson from the names of the Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib
The Rebbe's Youth and Ancestry
"Beis Harav" - The Rebbe's illustrious ancestors
"A Cradle of Greatness" - Nikolayev and its Chassidim
Excerpts from the new book "The Early Years" on the Rebbe's youth
"Early Roots" - Newly discovered documents about Reb Avrohom Dovid Lavut as published in the Hebrew edition of 'The Early Years'
The Rebbe's Bar Mitzvah – Stories and anecdotes about the Rebbe's Bar Mitzvah as well as the Rebbe's activities marking the Frierdiker Rebbe's Bar Mitzvah
Tishrei 5690 (from a letter by Reb Eliyahu Chaim Althoiz)
The Rebbe in Berlin
Pictures - "In the Austrian Winter" – 25 Adar 1 5695
The Rebbe's hiskashrus to the Frierdiker Rebbe - an overview
Pictures and Articles
The Rebbe's Sefer Torah
"Overflow of Blessing" - An overview of the Rebbe's Kos Shel Bracha
"Kos Shel Bracha" - Motzei Acharon Shel Pesach 5727
Shabbos with the Rebbe - A roundtable discussion
"With the Rebbe" - A pictorial overview through the Rebbe's life, year by year
"Nifalaos Bakol" 5752 - A Wondrous Year in the Rebbe's Presence
"In the Streets of Crown Heights"
"Walking to 770" - Newly published photos of the Rebbe circa 5730
"Outdoor Greetings" - Iyar 5747
"In the Rebbe's Home"
"Shabbos at the Library"
"מרבים בשמחה" - Joyous moments with Rebbe
Farbrengen Venues - A pictorial overview of the Rebbe's farbrengens in the halls
"Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe" - A pictorial overview of the weekday sichos
The Rebbe Attends a Levaya - Overview
"Farbrengen in the Frierdiker Rebbe's Apartment" - 19 Kislev 5724
"Honor in Place" - The Rebbe's Shabbos place
Mincha and Maariv
"Krias HaTorah with the Rebbe"
"Kadeishim, 23-25 Elul"
"A Morning With the Rebbe" - The Rebbe's morning routine
"Maariv in the small Zal" - circa 5726
Tefilos Adar I - II 5749 (in the the Rashag's home)
"Mincha in Gan Eden Hatachton" – Winter 5752
"L'chaim V'Livracha"
"Art Gallery in 770" - Kislev 5739
"A Lesson of a Picture" – Learning to Live, 11 Nissan 5737
When the Rebbe turned down a new car
"From One Farbrengen to…" – 20 Shevat 5730
"Birkas Hachamah" – 4 Nissan 5741
"Hanachas Even Hapinah" – 17 Elul 5748
"A Glimpse Into the ‘Sunday Dollars' Line"
"Sunday Dollars" - Unique scenes from the dollars distrubution of 21 Cheshvan 5750
"Hands That Give" - An overview of the times the Rebbe gave tzedakah to children
"The Theme of It All" - N'shei Chabad centerpieces
"Kinus N’Shei Chabad - Women's Gathering 25 Iyar 5747
"Special Deliverance" - The Sefer Torah from Tunisia, 5729
Presenting the new book "Despite All Odds" to the Rebbe - Iyar 5751
"Mekadesh Yisroel" - The Rebbe's special custom of being Mesader Kiddushin
"לבנין עדי עד" - The Rebbe's participation at the weddings of Chassidim
The Rebbe's special attention to Chassanim and Kallos
"Moments Before" - The Rebbe's Siddur to Chassanim
Interviews and Biographies of Chassidim
"Early Memories of the Rebbe" – An interview with Rabbi Aharon Goldstein
"A Life in Beis Chayenu" – An interview with Reb Meir Harlig
Reb Nosson Gurary on his years in 770
Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz relates memories of the Rebbe
"Memories" - Reb Nochum Kaplan's stories from 770
"Spiritual Children" - Rabbi Leibel Posner shares recollections of the first years of Lubavitch in America
"Early Glimpses" - Recollections of Rabbi Yosef Goldstein of the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe
"Fondest Memories" - An interview with Rabbi Asher Zeilingold
"A Life in the Sichos" – An interview with Reb Leibel Schapiro
"24/7 in the Rebbe's Sichos" – An interview with Reb Leibel Altein
"Wherever You Will Be, The Rebbe Will Be With You" – An interview with Reb Yosef Abrahams
"Remain in London and Succeed" – An interview with Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Hertz
"Breaking the Ice" - An interview with Rabbi Aharon Cousin/p>
"To the Last Detail" - An interview with Rabbi Shmuel Lew/p>
Better Than the Best Father" – An interview with Reb Zalman Lipsker
"My Years in 770" – An interview with Rabbi Leibel Alevsky
"Pioneer" - An interview with Reb Baruch Sholom Kahan
"My Journey to the Rebbe" - An interview with Rabbi Sholom Ber Gurkov
"This is Only the Beginning" – An interview with Rabbi Yossi Groner
"The Road to 770" – An interview with Rabbi Shmuel Lew
Rabbi Shmuel Lew's Yechidus (and his path to Lubavitch) as a Bochur
"Like a Father" - Rabbi Moshe Lazar on his years in the Rebbe’s presence
"Argentinian Pioneer" – The story of Rabbi Aharon Hakohen Tawil
"A Loving Father" – An interview with Reb Yisroel Deren
Fulfilling the Rebbe's Horaos
Ksav Yad - The importance of meticulously following the Rebbe's instructions
Ksav Yad - We will go with our Rebbe to greet Moshiach
Ksav Yad - The last instructions from the Rebbe to an indvidual serve as his personal guiding light
Letter - Fulfilling the Rebbe's directives is a source for brachos
Letter - The Rebbe knows best
"I told the Rebbe I will listen like a soldier and he started crying" - Yechidus with Reb Dovid Deitch
Hu Bachayim
"The Rebbe Our Nossi" – The Rebbe remains connected with us
"Hu Bachayim" – Our Eternal Connection
"We are the Rebbe's People" – A Selection of the Rebbe’s Words on Connecting With the Rebbe Today
"Eternal Life" – The Rebbe's father explains the true meaning of a Tzaddik's life
"Not On Our Watch" – A lesson from the Yidden not allowing Moshe Rabbeinu to pass away
"The Rebbe Lives in Him!" – How a Chossid feels the Rebbe's ongoing presence
"Everlasting Bond" – Excerpts from sichos about our connection after the histalkus
Sicha - How is possible to maintain a true connection with the Rebbe today?
Ksav Yad - The eternal bond between a Rebbe and his Chassidim transcends all limitations
Ksav Yad - How can we write "zol gezunt zein" about the Rebbe after his histalkus?
Letter - Always remember that the Rebbe is with you
"The Precious Letter" – The story of the letter the Frierdiker Rebbe gave Chassidim in the darkest times in Russia
"Love From Afar" – The yearning of Chassidim in Russia to the Rebbe
"We Will See the Rebbe Again" – A story about the power of believing in the Rebbe's promise that we will be reunited with him
The Essence of a Rebbe
Sicha - "Under the Rebbe's Gaze" – Why do we need to know the source of sudden inspiration?
"The Heart of the People" - A journey through the generations into the role of a Rebbe
Ksav Yad - The love and mesirus Nefesh a Rebbe has for Chassidim
"Every Yid Lifted" – How the nossi hador uplifts each and every Yid
"Like An Only Child" – Reb Yoel Kahn on the Rebbe's connection with each Chossid
Mivtza ‘Roshei Alfei Yisroel' – Understanding our hiskashrus
What is the true greatness of a Rebbe? A letter from the Rebbe
Letter - Why is a Rebbe referred to as a ‘father'?
The Rebbe's discussion in yechidus with college students on the role of a Rebbe, 8 Adar 5720
The Rebbe discusses the role of a Rebbe with college students
Letter - What is the real greatness of a Rebbe?
Ksav Yad - The greatest bracha: to be a keli for the Rebbe's brachos
Ksav Yad - Don't hide the fact that the Rebbe is in charge of the mosad
The Hiskashrus of Chassidim
Ksav Yad - The importance of hiskashrus doesn't require any explanations
Ksav Yad - Our feelings and yearning for hiskashrus must not become habitual
The Rebbe's hiskashrus to the Frierdiker Rebbe- an overview
"Besod Si'ach" - A glimpse into the 'veiled exchanges' between the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe
"The Ultimate Bond" - The Frierdiker Rebbe describes an event he witnessed as a child, demonstrating the connection experienced through reliving moments with the Rebbe
The love of Chassidim to the Rebbe
Sicha - "We Must Hold on to the Rebbe's Open Door"
Reciting the Rebbe's Kapitel
"Neshamos Connect" - Bringing Yidden to the Rebbe
Chassidim Farbreng
The Rebbe is with us now more than ever, Reb Yoel Kahn
The necessity of connecting with the Rebbe in our times, Rabbi Y.Y. Gurevitch
Hiskashrus in our times, Reb Yoel Kahn and Reb Shlomo Zarchi.
Unique moments we experienced with the Rebbe as bochurim: Rabbi Moshe Lazar (5716), Rabbi Y.M. Gurary (5723), Rabbi Yisroel Glitzenstein (5736), Rabbi Hershel Spalter (5744), Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (5752)
Chassidim share personal moments with the Rebbe
Writing to the Rebbe
"Pen of the Soul" - An overview on writing to the Rebbe
"Writing to the Rebbe" – an overview
"The Thought that Counts" – A warm Chasidishe letter from Reb Chatche Feigen on maintaining a strong connection with the Rebbe and writing to him often
When one sees the Rebbe's brachos after writing in a Pan, is there a better answer than that?
Letters about the importance of writing the Rebbe good news
The importance of getting Yidden to write and become closer to the Rebbe
Ksav Yad - The effect of a Yechidus that can also be achieved through writing a Pan
Ksav Yad - Where is the good news?
The importance of sharing besuros tovos
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe responds to a woman complaining she hadn't received a reply
Eight Facts About Writing to the Rebbe
Tziyur Pnei Harav
Darkei Hachassidus - Tziyur Pnei Harav
Letter - The Rebbe sends a picture of the Frierdiker Rebbe and explains the strength of it
Collection of sichos and letters about Tziyur Pnei Harav
Ksav Yad - The power of looking at a picture of the Rebbe
Ksav Yad - To have a restful sleep
Mashpia - עשה לך רב
"Guidance" - The Rebbe's call to appoint Mashpi'im and Rabbonim
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe's advice on how to influence the youth of today
Ma'med - A Bond of Life
Chitas and Rambam
Chitas - The Conduit for Blessings
Chitas and Rambam - The great merit and how it's possible for all to learn
"We Haven't Even Begun" – The Rebbe's shturem about the study of Rambam
"The Landmark Takana of Limmud HaRambam"
Summer 5744 - The Rebbe's shturem about the maareh mekomos of Rambam
When the Rebbe crossed out "'to try' and learn Rambam each day"
Siyumei HaRambam in Cairo, Morocco and Tverya
The Rebbe responds to a rav who wrote that he made a Siyum HaRambam
"All the Torah in Rambam" – Completing the Torah through learning all of Rambam
The Rebbe studying Rambam
Rambam – The History behind the takana
Why Rambam and not another sefer
What we learn from the Rambam writing his sefer in Mitzrayim
When and how one should learn Chitas and Rambam
The importance of fulfilling the Rebbe's takkanos - Tehillim, Chitas and Rambam
Learning Rambam - A farbrengen with shluchim and baalei batim
Pictures - "Did You Learn Tanya Yet?" – 29 Elul 5743
Yoman - 20 Teves 5745
Sichos on Rambam
"It's up to You" - Hilchos Shemita V'Yovel 13,13
"Late in the Afternoon" - Hilchos Temidin U'Musafin 1,3
"Another Man's Dishes" - Hilchos Tumas Tzara'as 9,8
"The Shortcut" - Hilchos Nizkei Mamon 5,3
"Take Resbonsibilty" - Hilchos Rotzeiach U'Shemiras Nefesh 9,2
"The Neighbor's Want" - Hilchos Malveh V'Loveh 1,1
"The Ability To Exist" - Hilchos Melachim 1,12
"Peace Now!" - Hilchos Melachim 12,4-5
"If you do it with joy, it will last" - Opening of Sefer Zmanim
"This is who he wants" - Hilchos Ishus 25,2
About the Ohel
"Azkir Al Hatziyun" – What the Rebbe said about going to the Ohel
The Rebbe disregarding his health to go to the Ohel - Yoman of 4 Adar II 5727
Pictures - "At the Ohel"
Going to the Ohel
Ksav Yad - Writing to the Ohel yields faster results than a computer
Ksav Yad - How can I relate such news at the Ohel of the Frierdiker Rebbe?
Ksav Yad - Write to the Ohel and the Rebbe will find a way to answer
Reb Yisroel Jacobson recalls his visit to the Ohel in Rostov
Miracles of the Rebbe after Gimmel Tammuz
"As We Heard Them" – Stories heard by Chassidim in random places and times; Rabbi Baruch Epstein (Chicago, IL), Rabbi Sholom Leverton (West Windsor, NJ)
"Jewish Grandchildren" – Mr. Mark Rice (Wilmette, IL)
"A Snowy Feel" – Rabbi Yitzi Steiner (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
“He Can See Light!” - Rabbi Schneor Oirechman (Tallahassee, FL)
"A Threefold Bracha"
"When Healing Comes From Torah" - Rabbi Eli Slavin (Brooklyn, NY)
"We Need To Do Our Part" - Rabbi Menachem Lerman (Brooklyn, NY)
"Our Own Sifrei Torah" - Rabbi Bentzion Shemtov (Nanaimo, BC, Canada) and Rabbi Mendy Goldshmid (Bainbridge Island, WA)
"The Tanya I Forgot To Mention" - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Tzikvashvili (S. Marcos, Guatemala)
"I Am A Living Miracle" - Greg Davis (Scottsdale, AZ)
"כפלים לתושי'" - Rabbi Baruch Sholom Davidson and Nesanel Zhivalyuk (Bala Cynwood, PA)
"כפלים לתושי'" Part 2 - Rabbi Baruch Sholom Davidson and Nesanel Zhivalyuk (Bala Cynwood, PA)
"The Timely Article" - Rabbi Aron Schimmel (Postville, IA)
"I Needed A Hug" - Mr. Gaby Silver (Melbourne, Australia)
"Meeting" - Rabbi Ruvi New (Boca Raton, FL)
"From The Beginning To The End" - Rabbi Yahir Elbaze (Paris, France)
"Same Scan, Opposite Conclusions" - Asaf Erez (Wasilla, AK)
"Sharing The Wealth" - Rabbi's Menachem Lipskier and Moshe Kahn (Melbourne, Australia)
"Saving a Sefer Torah" - Rabbi Yitzchok Meyer Lipszyc (Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel)
"Go On Shlichus!" - Rabbi Berel Kesselman (Concord, CA)
"Without Medical Intervention" - Steven Adelman (Stamford, CT)
"I Never Felt so Small" - Rabbi Shmuli Nachlas (Toronto, ON)
"Transform The Desert" - Rabbi Shmuli Schlanger (Bakersfield, CA)
"Treasures From Above" - Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ceitlen (Haifa, Eretz Yisroel)
"Hearing from the Rebbe before and after Gimmel Tammuz" - Dr. Levi A, Reiter
"Here’s Your Contract, Signed!" - Rabbi Joshua Rosenfeld (Stamford, CT)
"Minutes Later" - Rabbi Yossi Majerczyk (Brooklyn, NY)
"Wiping Out My Debt" - Hatomim Shmuel Labkowski (S. Paulo Brazil)
"Parnasah - in the Wife's merit" - Rabbi Mendy Greenberg (Twinsburg, OH)
"The Inverted Bracha" - Rabbi Mendel Kaplan (Potomac Village, MD)
"Not What I Was Expecting" - Rabbi Enan Francis (Houston, TX)
"Public Menorah in the Texas Outback" - Rabbi Saadya Kaufman (Houston, TX)
"Mission Accomplished" – Elazar Cohen (Ashkelon, Eretz Yisroel)
"I Even Made a Profit" - Tzivi Brook (Aventura, FL)
"Davening For Each Other" – Rabbi Avraham Bleich (Detroit, MI)
"Learning Rashi Sichos" – Rabbi Mordechai Sitorsky (Jackson, NJ)
"You Can Go Yourself" – Rabbi Eliezer Laine (Brooklyn, NY)
"The Long Awaited Confirmation" - Mrs Rochel Lustig (Brooklyn, NY)
"You Were Also Blessed" - Rabbi Mendel Pevzner (Rechasim, Eretz Yisroel)
"A Working System" – Lev Yaakov Voskoboynik (Los Angeles, CA)
"Learn Close To Home" – Mendel Federman (S. Thomas, Virgin Islands)
"The Rain Held Up" – Rabbi Levi Plotkin (Parkland, FL)
"The Special Treatment" – Rabbi Chaim Mentz (Bel-Air, CA)
"Without Fear" – Rabbi Berel Levertov (Santa Fe, NM)
"Do You Know Where I Am" – Rabbi Mendel Samuels (Simsbury, CT)
"Two Medical Miracles" - Shoshana Silkes (Brooklyn, NY)
"My Ideal Home" – Diana Valencia (Elmont, NY)
"The Letter Arrived On Time" – Rabbi Yossi Gordon (Woodland Hills, CA)
"Will You Open Chabad In Jamaica?" – Rabbi Yaakov Raskin (Mobay, Jamaica)
"An Immediate Response" – Rabbi Yisroel Lieberman (Hong Kong)
"I'm Supposed To Be Here" – Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal (Berlin, Germany)
"I Need An Answer" – Rabbi Refoel Brod (Chevron, Eretz Yisroel)
"Permanence" - Rabbi Yisroel Hecht (Sunnyvale, CA)
"The Law Changed!" - Rabbi Shimon S.Z. Gruzman (Castro Valley, CA)
"The Doctor, Our Friend" - Rabbi Levi Greenberg (El Paso, TX)
"Aliya In Every Way" - Rabbi Shaya Deitch (Fort Washington, PA)
"The Much Needed Wake Up Call" - Rabbi Yitzie Magalnic (Palos Verdes, CA)
"Try Again And Again" – Rabbi Dovid Stoler (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
"The Jew From the 23rd Floor" – Rabbi Simcha Birnhack (Eretz Yisroel)
"The Late Night Lift" - Rabbi Levi Yitzchk Ceitlen (Kiryat Motzkin, Eretz Yisroel) and Reb Meir Moss (Sydney, Australia)
"The Birthday Miracle" – Rabbi Menachem Kutner (Tzach Eretz Yisroel)
"Children" – Rabbi Zalmen Farkash (Argentina)
"Lech Lecha" – Rabbi Noach Majesky (Accra, Ghana)
"Don't Delay The Good News" – Rabbi Shmuel Chaim Scharf (Chicago, IL)
"A Year On The Mark" – Hertzel Kusashvili (Lod, Eretz Yisroel)
"What Comes First: The Money Or The Pledge?" – Rabbi Yisroel Uzan (Abuja, Nigeria)
"The Shabbos Deal" – Mr. Rush Lowe (Miami Beach, FL)
"New Shiur" – Mrs. Chana Rabinowitz (Mevaseret Tziyon, Eretz Yisroel)
"Whatever It Costs" – Rabbi Mendy Greenberg (Wassila, Alaska)
"Beyond Our Imagination!" – Rabbi Mendy Greenberg (Wassila, Alaska)
"Challenge" – Rabbi Levi Shmotkin (Manhattan, NY)
"Perfect Clarity" – Chana Sherman (Toronto, Ontario)
"The Rebbe's Child" – Reb Benny Vaksberger and Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin
"In Answer" – Rabbi Chaim S. Bruk (Bozeman, Montana)
"A Mezuza And A City" – Rabbi Leibel Rabinovitch (Ashkelon, Eretz Yisroel)
"A Double Portion" – Rabbi Yosef Katzman (Crown Heights, NY)
"The Unknown Benefactor" – Reb Berel Gross (Boro Park, NY)
"Nossi For All" – Rabbi Dovid Dubov (Princeton, NJ)
"Moving, But Where To?" – Rabbi Moshe Feller (Minneapolis, MN)
"My Friend Next Door" – Levi Lazaroff (Houston TX)
"It's All Covered" – Rabbi Shmuel Kot (Tallinn, Estonia)
"Helped By A Higher Power" – Rabbi L.Y. Gurkow (Oceanside, Long Island, NY)
"The Proper Decision" – Rabbi Levi Klein (Memphis, TN)
"You Won" – Rabbi Zalmy Heber (Tacoma, WA)
"Gone" – Rabbi Sholom Ber Hurwitz (Crown Heights, NY)
"No Need To Worry" - Rabbi Yossi Marrus (S. Antonio, TX)
"My Cherished Son" – Rabbi Zev Kaplan (Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisroel)
"The Delayed Dollar" – Rabbi Ruvi New (Boca Ratn, FL)
"Perfect Timing" - Rabbi Yossi Marrus (S. Antonio, TX)
"Medical Mystery" – Moshe Grossman (Philadelphia, PA)
"I Was Meant To Come" – Mordechai Sofer (Seine-Et-Marne, France)
"Doing It Right" – Mrs. Sheinie Weingarten (Flint, MI)
"Our Special Connection" – Rabbi Zalamn Drizin (Brooklyn, NY)
"A Much Needed Transition" – Mendy Cohen (Rechovot, Eretz Yisroel)
"Timely Email" – Hatomim Menachem Wolf (Kherson, Ukraine)
"Landing In Our Makom Hashlichus" – Rabbi Yitzchok Schmukler (Clear Lake Area, TX)
"The Perfect Space" - Rabbi Shimon Susskind (Vernon Hills, Illinois)
"Headlines Answer" – Rabbi Sagi Har Shefer (Ness Tziyona, Eretz Yisroel)
"Open Eyes" – Eliezer Turk (Morristown, NJ)
"Divine Assurance" – Rabbi Shneur Oirechman (Tallahassee, FL)
"Unsolicited Donation" – Rabbi Tuvia Teldon Long Island, NY)
"Appropriate Entertainment For Jewish Children" – M. Weinstock (Brooklyn, NY)
"The Right Amount" – Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov (Munster, IN)
"Drastic Transformation" – Rabbi S.B. Tenenbaum (Gurnee, IL)
"Unwanted In This Town" – Rabbi Shmuel Glitzenstein (Tzur Yitzchak, Eretz Yisroel)
"The Perfect Home" – Rabbi Yanky Bell (El Cerrito, CA)
"I Think I Can Get That For Fou" – Mrs. Yael Neuman and Mrs. Leah Shemtov (Stamford, CT)
"The Elusive Property" – Rabbi Yossi Biston (North Broward, FL)
"You Won" – Rabbi M. Danow (Leeds, England)
"Miracle On Chanukah" - Rabbi Nochum Goldshmid (Netanya, Eretz Yisroel)
"The Timely Story" - Rabbi Nochum Goldshmid. Netanya, Eretz Yisroel)
"Soon, Soon" - Rabbi Shneor Ashkenazi (Rishon Letziyon, Eretz Yisroel)
"A Matter Of Time" – Rabbi Sholom Greenberg (Shanghai, China)
"Perfectly Timed Delivery" - Rabbi Nissan Kornfeld (Mercer Islands, WA)
"A Merited Shidduch" – Rabbi Leibush Langer (Boro Park, NY)
"A Personal Invitation To Speak" – Rabbi Menachem Almaliach (Kfar Chabad, Eretz Yisroel)
"Miracle At Midnight" – Mrs. Batsheva Lester (Leeds, England)
"Flooded With Blessing" – Rabbi Chaim Goldstein (Drexel University - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
"The Gift Of Speech" – Rabbi Mendel Bennish (Crown Heights, NY)
"A Timely Pledge" – Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman (Greensboro, NC)
"A Change Of Heart" – Naftoli Hertz Pewzner
“It happened a week later!” – Mr. Henry Belman (Media,PA)
"The Ultimate Partner" – Mr. Felix Sater (Port Washington, Long Island, NY)
"A Clean Bill" – Phillip Elijah (Chicago, IL)
"Quality And Quantity" – Rabbi Chaim Baruch Oirechman (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
"Blessed Rains" – Rabbi Yosef Levin (Palo Alto, CA)
"The Only Flight Home" – Rabbi Levi Garelick (Brooklyn, NY)
"The Timely Letter" – Rabbi Zalman Farkash (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
"No Need For Surgery" – Rabbi Noam Cohen (Ocean city, MD)
"It Was G-d" – Rabbi Yossi Marozov (Cleveland, OH)
"Just In Time" – Israel Shudler
"In The Nick Of Time" – Rabbi Elie Filler (Prescott, AZ)
"I Received My Sign" – Rabbi Mendy Zaklos (Bryansk, Russia)
"Time Was Wasted" – Mrs. Monica Guttman (Woodmere, NY)
The Rebbe's Torah
"Our Urim V'Tumim – Direction and guidance today through the Rebbe's Torah
Letter - The Rebbe's Torah is a clear path to Hiskashrus
Ksav Yad – True Hiskashrus through learning the Rebbe's Torah
"The Written Torah" – The story of Likkutei Sichos
"Revolution in Rashi" – The Rebbe's Rashi Sichos
"Navigating the Sea"- A look at the development and printing of the Rebbe's Sichos
"May We Merit Muga'dike Maamarim"- The Rebbe's Maamarim
"Language Of The Soul"- A conversation with Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook
"Guidance for Life" – Exploring the Rebbe's Igros Kodesh
"The Michtavim Kloli'im" – The Rebbe's message for the Jewish nation
"Eternal Mementos" - Kuntreisim and Sefarim Distrubuted by the Rebbe
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe also responds to indvidual people through a Michtav Kloli
"Fresh Waters" – A look into the new volumes (31 – 32) of the Rebbe's Igros
"Wondrous Cure" – A Closer Look at the Rebbe’s Igros Kodeshאגרות קודש - חלק ל"ג*z 5738-197817
"Hayom Yom" – The Chossid's calendar
"Reshimos" – A priceless treasure
Overview on the Rebbe's Haggadah
A look into Reshimas Hamenorah
"Oznayim L'Torah" – The Rebbe's shturem on footnotes and indexes in order to make Torah accessible to all
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe explains why he is careful to add so many references in his sichos
Essential Themes in the Rebbe's Torah
"Fresh Daily" – Every day you should view mitzvos as new
"Toras Emes"
"Do It!" - המעשה הוא העיקר
"A Desire Discharged" - Every Yid really wants to do Hashem's mitzvos
"Work!" - A man was born to toil
"A Life Illuminated" - How Torah reveals the truth of everything in the world
"A Lesson for All" - How a lesson from Torah must be relevant even for the simplest person
"Stand Tall!" - Proud of being a Chossid
"Higher and Higher" - ישראל קדמו
"The One and Only" -תורה אחת/p>
"Yechidus" – The ultimate bond between Rebbe and Chossid, overview
Reb Avraham Ber Yirmiya's recalls from his childhood going with his father to the Tzemach Tzedek for yechidus
Eight Facts About Yechidus
Pictures - "Yechidus Klolis"
Pictures - Yechidus Klolis Tammuz 5751
Pictures - The First Yechidus Klolis Downstairs (26 Tishrei 5744)
Transcript of a yechidus with directors of 'Hillel,' Av 5719 – Questions about the way of the Rebbe and Lubavitch
Transcript of a yechidus with two non-Chabad bochurim, 5 Adar II 5727 – Questions about a frume Yid's approach to the secular government in Eretz Yisroel, why Chassidim daven late, going to college, why other groups aren't active in hafatza and why to wear a beard
The Rebbe with Guests
The Rebbe's visit to the Novominsker Rebbe – 9 Teves 5714
The Rebbe assists the Boyaner Rebbe at a levaya – 13 Elul 5726
"The English Charter" – Summer 5721
12 Tammuz 5722 – Second chartered flight from England
"Visit to the Rebbe" – Yechidus, early 5723
12 Adar I 5744 – Visits of two Admurim
2 Av 5737 - Begin's visit
"The Chief Rabbis' Visit" – Iyar 5749
"Private Conversation" – The Rebbe speaks with Rabbi Shlomo Telushkin, 5736
"The Rebbe, the Borough President and the Lawyer" – 10 Shevat 5735
"The Singer's Cane" – 10 Shevat 5735
"Conversation on Eastern Parkway" – Tishrei 5740, with Rabbi Pupko
"A Tradition Of Old" – Rabbi Yolles's Chol Hamoed visits to the Rebbe
"Presidential Visit" – Yoman of President Zalman Shazar's visit to the Rebbe in the month of Av 5726
Pictures of President Zalman Shazar's visit to the Rebbe in the month of Av 5726
"Visiting Dignitaries" – A pictorial collection of meetings with notable figures
The Rebbe and Russian Jewry
"A Crack in the Iron Curtain" – The Rebbe sends a bochur on a secret mission to Russia
"The Great Exodus" – 5732 and the Russian Chassidim
"Secrecy, Stealth and Inspiration" – The story of Ezras Achim
"Transplanting the Warmth" - The story of F.R.E.E. - Friends of Refugees of Eastern Europe
"Love From Afar" – The yearning of Chassidim in Russia to the Rebbe
"Quiet Diplomacy" – The Rebbe's battle to save Russian Jewry
Ksav Yad - Secret Correspondance of a Bochur in Russia and the Rebbe
The Rebbe and Eretz Yisroel
Part 1: "Ownership" – Let's Talk about Eretz Yisroel
Part 2: "Morale" – Let's Talk about Eretz Yisroel
Part 3: "Proclaim the Truth" – Let's Talk about Eretz Yisroel
"Sacred and Secure" – The Rebbe's campaign to ensure "Shleimus Haaretz" - The integrity of Eretz Yisroel
Picture – "The Unexpected Speech" - Rabbi Paldi speaks at the Rebbe's farbrengen about Shleimus Ha'am–
"Peace in the Galilee" – The Rebbe's involvement in the First Lebanon War
"Miracles In Our Times" – The Rebbe's comforting guidance during the Gulf War
"A Jew is a Jew and there is no time to waste" – A glimpse into the topic of "Mihu Yehudi" from the Rebbe's perspective
"A Psak Din for the World" – 10 Shevat 5736
"Against All Odds" – The inner dimension of Entebbe
Tammuz 5736 (Entebbe). -
The Rebbe's guidance to those emigrating to Eretz Yisroel
The Rebbe writes on youth making aliyah and about peace in the Middle East
Meiron - The cradle of Pnimiyus HaTorah
"Restoring the Crown" - The Chabad community of Tzfas
Yerushalayim, Hashem's Capital
"The Rebbe's Capital City" – The founding of Kfar Chabad
"A Mountain of Pride" – The founding of Nachalas Har Chabad
"How to Establish a Village" – The Rebbe sends Sifrei Torah to Nachlas Har Chabad, 5729
Iyar 5727 – The Rebbe on the Six Day War
A yechidus with the Rebbe in the aftermath of the Six Day War
The Six Day War as a fulfillment of a nevuah regarding the coming of Moshiach
"Stop the Enemy" - The spiritual battle of the Yom Kippur War
Pictures - "Exceptional Soldiers" - A delegation of injured IDF veterans visits the Rebbe on 23 Av 5736
"Keep Your Camp Holy" - The Rebbe and the IDF
"I Will Show You Wonders" - The Gulf War
Avodas Hashem
Learning and Spreading the Teachings of Chassidus
Farbrengens and Stories
"Captivated" – Reb Yoel Kahn on how can we appreciate and internalize Chassidus today
"Forced From Within" – A story about how the teachings of Chassidus transformed a Yid
Learning Chassidus
The Time is Now! - The Evolving Revelation of Pnimiyus HaTorah
Limmud HaChassidus
Letter - Why we must specifically study Chabad Chassidus
"Chassidus, Torah and Mitzvos" – What Chassidus added to Torah and Mitzvos
Ksav Yad – Why we are required to study Chassidus today, even though not everyone did so in previous generations
Ksav Yad – Immerse in Chassidus and forget your spiritual poverty
Ksav Yad – It is up to you to learn Chassidus, it's not Hashem's will if you stopped
Chazzering Chassidus
The importance of chazzering Chassidus
Eight Facts About Saying (Chazzering) Chassidus
Sifrei Chassidus
Eight Facts About Maamarim
"Wellsprings Unleashed" – The Rebbe's revolution to print the entire Chassidus
"From Manuscript to Masterpiece" – Maareches Otzar HaChassidim
"One More Front" – Translating Chassidus
"Sichos in English" – The organization charged with bringing the wellsprings of Chassidus to the English-speaking world
"The Pilot Project" – A handwritten letter from the Rebbe regarding translating a letter from the Frierdiker Rebbe about the importance of Chabad Chassidus into German.
"Retaining Chassidus" – The process of chazara and hanacha throughout the generations
"Folios Full of Magnitude" – A look into the ‘Shaar Blaats' for Sifrei Chassidus
"The Marvels and Wonders of Chassidus" – The hidden treasure of Hemshech Ayin Beis
Toras Shalom
Overview of the famous maamar "Veyadaata Moskva 5657"
"Living with the times" the Chassidishe Parshah
"The Rebbe and the Chassidishe Parshah (Torah Or - Likkutei Torah)"
"Completing the Entire Torah" – It's important to learn all of Likkutei Torah each week
Sefer Haerchim
Timely Titles
Klalei Rashi
Beis Rebbi
Klalei Ha'Chinuch Vha'Hadracha
Sefer HaKan (Commemorative journal published in honor of 150 years since the Alter Rebbe's Histalkus)
"Kuntres Etz Ha'Chaim"
"Kav Naki
"Ashkavta D'Rebbi" (Personal recollections of the histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab, transcribed in diary form)
"Sefer Hatoldos Admur Maharash"
Tzava'as Harivash
Reshimas Hamaaser
Pelach Harimon (from Reb Hillel Paritcher)
Derech Chaim
Tanya – The Torah Shebiksav of Chassidus
"Sparking a Revolution" - The history of the Tanya and it's role at the dawn of Chassidus Chabad
"Life to the Fullest" - Tanya Perek Mem-Aleph
"A Letter Addressed to All" - The Rebbe's Koch in Igeres Hateshuvah"
Letter – The Rebbe explains how one can find meaning in Tanya
"Tanya to the World" – The story of the Printing Tanyas Campaign
Pictures - "Chalukas HaTanya"
Pictures - "A Special Tanya, a Special Farewell" - 16 Sivan 5735
"Chassidus on the Front Lines" – The story of Tanya on the radio
Ksav Yad - Interesting instructions to Reb Yosef Weinberg on how to teach a Tanya Class
Eight Facts About Kehos
A special sefer printed by Kehos - Sdei Chemed
Topics in Chassidus
"The Essence of it All" - The two approaches in understanding Hashem's infinite greatness (Part 1)
Chassidishe Approach
What is Chassidus?
Letter - The effect Chassidus has on doing mitzvos
What is the difference between Kabbalah and Chassidus?
What is the difference between Chassidus and Chakirah?
Is there exclusively one path in Avodas Hashem which befits a Chossid?
A compliation of instructions in avoda from Yechidusen with Reb Shmuel Lew
What is the difference between a ‘Maskil' and an 'Oved?'
"Joy - שמחה" - The spirit of Avodas Hashem
Darkei Hachassidus - Simcha
Ksav Yad - The nature of demanding more from one's self in Torah and Mitzvos will eventually lead to happiness together with higher expectations
Ksav Yad - The ripple effect of being B'Simcha and having Bitachon
Ksav Yad - Realize your success and don't allow yourself to feel negative
Ksav Yad - Overcoming urges
Ksav Yad - Advice on overcoming depression
Ksav Yad - studying Torah with a partner is the remedy to depression
Yechidus with Reb Reuven Dunin on the topic of Joy
Letter - Thinking about our great zechus should be the greatest stress management
Letters about dealing with loneliness
Advice on marah shechorah
Ahavas Yisroel
Ahavas Yisroel – The foundation of Chassidus
"We Are One" - Ahavas Yisroel through the lens of Chassidus
"The Devotion of Chassidim" – A story about Ahavas Yisroel
What is the chiddush of Chassidus in Ahavas Yisroel?
"Defining Mivtza Ahavas Yisroel" – What action does this require?
Ksav Yad – "Is this what Chassidus taught you?!"
Letter – "Why Judge?" - An invaluable lesson about Ahavas Yisroel
Avodas Hatefila in Dor Hashvi'i
Why do we learn Chassidus before davening?
Making Avodas Hatefila practical
Guidance from the Rebbe on the proper hachanos to davening
Eating before Davening - The Rebbe's Horaos on this unique Chassidesher Hanhaga
How to be more focused in davening – Yechidus with Rabbi Baruch Sholom Kahn
The Rebbe’s Hora’os on maintaining focus and avoiding intrusive thoughts during tefillah
How to get a chayus in davening – Yechidus with Rabbi Shmuel Notik
THe Rebbe writes to a child about what it's important to daven for
Thinking Chassidus before davening
"Expressions of the Heart" – Reciting Tehillim
Everything you wanted to know about Tzedakah
The Rebbe's approach to the concpet of giving Tzedaka in lieu of an expected gift
Giving tzedakah by Vayevorech Dovid
"Colel Chabad" – The central tzedakah of Chabad and the Rabbeim's call to support it
The Rebbe's directive to establish a Free-Loan Tzedakah Fund at every Chabad center
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe writes on the importance of supporting Colel Chabad, one of the Rabbeim's endeavors
Ksav Yad – Giving Tzedakah to become wealthy
"Magbis" - The Rebbe's appeals for specific causes throughout the year
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe writes about prioritizing one's community first when giving tzedakah
The Rebbe's guidance on giving tzedakah
Pictures - "Outdoor Distribution" – Yud-Gimmel Tishrei 5745
Learning Torah
"Our Very Life" – Mivtza Torah
"A Labor Of Love" – The Rebbe's call to toil in Torah
"Public Torah Learning" – A Call throughout the Generations
"Keeping Shul's open at night" - A call to increase Torah study
The Rebbe on studying in kollel
Why learn with a chavrusa?
Letters about overcoming obstacles in learning
Guidance from the Rebbe on the proper path to learning Torah
Why do we learn Gemara?
The difference between the learning of a Chossid and of a Misnaged
A Chossid's approach towards learning Torah
"He'aros and Pilpulim" – Its importance and the Rebbe's involvement
"Torah Expanse" – Kinus Torah
Ksav Yad - Establishing set times for learning Torah with diligence and toil brings all the brachos
Ksav Yad - The light that was hidden away for Tzaddikim to enjoy in Olam Haba can be accessed today within the Torah
Ksav Yad - Toiling in Torah is "Mein Tatte," a real part of one's life
Ksav Yad - Have a vast Torah knowledge before going out to spread Yiddishkeit
Ksav Yad - When one needs extra brachos in parnasa, he must add in his Torah study
Ksav Yad - You do mivtzoim, but what about learning?
Yechidus with the Belzer Rebbe about women learning Torah – 4 Adar II 5741
המעשה הוא העיקר
Ksav Yad – The infinite value of action of preforming a mitzvah even once
"Just One" – The power of one action, speech and thought
A response to someone who felt he did mitzvos for side reasons
The Rebbe advises how to keep a hachlata
Ksav Yad - The main thing is to find the Tzaddik within yourself
Ksav Yad - Where to study about having joy in doing teshuva
Letter - The path to teshuva
See also Elul
What a Chassidisher Farbrengen is
L'chaim - What the Rebbe says about it
Ksav Yad - The power of a farbrengen
What is a Yid?
Ksav Yad – Not telling yourself about your shortcomings
Who Are You – The spiritual structure of a Yid
The preciousness of a Yid to Hashem – Yoman from Shabbos Parshas Vayechi 5751
Ksav Yad - In reference to a Yid who was being persuaded by Mormons to join their religion, Rachmana litzlan
Ksav Yad - What leads one to have questions in Emunah
Ksav Yad - Doubts in faith isn't a real thing
Ksav Yad - Where does this question originate?
Questions and Answers regarding foundations of Emunah
Hanachos Ha'olam
Our approach to "ballebatishe hanachos" – shunning the ways of the world
"How to Make a Living" – What the Rebbe says about college
Ksav Yad - A response to a woman who wished to study in college and acquire wordly knowledge in order to seek and master challenges in life
The Rebbe's directives regarding quoting from non-kosher sources
Positive Thought
A letter on being grateful to Hashem for what we have
Letters about quelling concerns and worries
Ksav Yad - Advice on dealing with challenges
Ksav Yad - How to recognize your blessings
Ksav Yad - A strong response to an indvidual struggling to make the proper decisions in his spiritual life
"Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut" – Why did Moshe Rabbeinu worry about killing the Mitzri?
The power of positive thought
בכל דרכיך דעהו
The Avoda ofבכל דרכיך דעהו.
Getting Clarity
"Clarity" - From Whom to Receive Guidance in Times of Doubt
"Blessing and Success" - The Rebbe's advice and guidance for working at Parnasah
Investing in the Stock Market – On speculation and peace of mind
Buying a Home
The Rebbe's directives on this Monumental Decision
The Rebbe's directives on how and when to move in to a new home
Chassidishe Pride
What is a Chassidisher Levush and why do we have it?
Ksav Yad - Answer to a rav who faced opposition to build a mechitza
What is befitting for a Chossid?
Never be ashamed to do what is right
Hashgacha Protis
The approach of Chassidus to Hashgacha Protis.
Seeing Hashgacha Protis in everything
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe advises a rav to speak about Hashgacha Protis before the US Senate
Ksav Yad - Understanding that Hashem watches over and helps each person negates all depression
Eating on Shabbos
"Silk on Shabbos" - A practice of Chassidim with deep significance
"No Nigleh on Shabbos?" – The Rebbe explains why this is incorrect
"Studying Nigleh on Shabbos?" – The Rebbe's Hora'os
Seuda Shlishis; what Chassidim do — and don't do — at the third Shabbos meal, and why
Medical Treatment Three Days Before Shabbos
Shabbos - A Time for Family
הקהלת קהילות - Communal Assembly on Shabbos
The Power of Words
Words are very powerful
Cheshbon Hanefesh
Making a Cheshbon Hanefesh
"Safe and Secure" - Having bitachon in Hashem
Bitachon in Hashem
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe's response to someone facing severe difficulties in business
Ksav Yad – Together with complete Bitachon one must also do something within the natural course of action/p>
Eight Facts About Nissim
Tactics of the Yetzer Horah
A Response to a Woman Concerned About Taking on a New Mitzvah
Modeh Ani - The foundation of a Yid's life
"It's Not About Me" – Serving Hashem with bittul
מסירות נפש
"The approach of a Chossid" – The specialty of a ‘Chassidus Chabad' Mesiras Nefesh
Halacha and Minhag
"A Way of Life" – The significance of minhagim
"From Shklov to New York" – The evolution of the Chabad Siddur
"Tzelem Elokim" – Why we wear beards
The Rebbe's approach to an American Bochur (Rabbi Eliezer Zirkind) who was drafted into the Korean war and refused orders to shave his beard
Why do we ask for our dreams in middle of Kiddush Levana?
Pictures – "Kiddush Levana" – The Rebbe's Minhagim
Why go to Mikveh?
Ksav Yad - Reasons for adding Hareini Mekabel and Ach Tzaddikim
Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin
Cutting fingernails
What is "Chodosh" and why can't we eat it?
What is ‘Nusach Arizal?'
Tzitzis at night
Why is it important to remind to make a Bracha Achrona?
Yarmulka, why we sleep in it
Sleeping like a Chossid - The Rebbe's Hora'os
The second Bracha on Tefillin
What is Shnaim Mikra?
Minhagim in Aleinu
Haftorah – Our Minhag
Why don't Chabad Chassidim say V'shamru?
Why do we eat Melave Malka?
The Rebbe's advice regarding dreams
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe's reply to someone who was having troubling dreams
Nshei U'Bnos Chabad - The Rebbe's Pride and Joy
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe encourages a woman to participate in the activities of Nshei U'Bnos Chabad
"Investing in the Real Future" – Teaching Torah to women
"A School With A Mission" – The Beginnings of Beis Rivkah
"The Rebbe's First Camp" – Camp Emunah - Bnos Yaakov Yehudah
Yechidus with the Belzer Rebbe about women learning Torah – 4 Adar II 5741
Discovering Moshiach in N'shei U'Bnos Yisroel - The role of women in bringing the geulah
Beshalach - Shira, The merit of women in bringing Moshiach
"Pictures" – The Rebbe addressing the women's conventions
"The Theme of it All" – N'shei Chabad Centerpieces
"Sheitel" - The foundation of a Yiddeshe home, a wellspring of blessing
"Promises Kept" - The Rebbe encourages a young Kallah to wear a Sheitel
Tishrei and Nshei U'Bnos Chabad
Cheshvan and Nshei U'Bnos Chabad
Kislev and Nshei U'Bnos Chabad
Bar Mitzva
Letters from the Rebbe with special hora'os regarding a Bar Mitzva
Ksav Yad – Is it a good idea to celebrate a Bar Mitzva in Israel?
"The Ultimate Joy" – How to celebrate a Simcha
"Don't Get Caught in Vanity" – The Rebbe's instructions for anash regarding weddings in a yechidus with Reb Nissan Nemanov
Ksav Yad – What's important for a Chassidishe wedding
Ksav Yad – A response to a Chosson who wanted to go touring with his wife right after their wedding
Family Planning
"How to Plan a Family"
Giving a Jewish Name
"What's in a Name?" - Its Significance, Power and Potency
Letter: How to Adopt – The foundation for a healthy relationship
Retirement? Out of the question!
Health and Wellness
Gezunt and Bitachon – The Rebbe's approach to physical health and medical doctors
"Living Well" - A selection of the Rebbe's letters on the importance of maintaining optimal health
The Rebbe's Guidance for Emotional Wellness
Ksav Yad - A Hospital is a Beis Refua rather than a Beis Cholim
The Rebbe's Hora'os for Safe Journeys
The Rebbe’s hora’os for employers
The Rebbe’s hora’os for succeeding in Business
Tragedy and Mourning
"Filling the Void" - The Rebbe's Response to loss and tragedy
Ksav Yad - How to be joyous at a wedding even when in mourning
Baalei Teshuva
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe encourages a woman not to convert to Judaism
Ksav Yad – What to tell parents who are disappointed that their child became frum
Letter – A Baal Teshuva isn't at all an outcast in his family
Ksav Yad – Giving ‘tzedakah' to your neshama by conducting the home in a Jewish way
"Exporting Goodness and Kindness" - The Rebbe's Vision for America
"Sacks-Full of Mesiras Nefesh" - The Beginnings of Lubavitch in America
See also Chof Ches Sivan
Lubavitch is Apolitical
In response to anti-Semitism
The Holocaust
The Rebbe's letter on rage about the Holocaust
Spiritual Defiance - The Rebbe's response to the Holocaust
Lessons from the world
"Breakthrough!" – What modern technology is really all about?
Spreading Yiddshkeit through the radio – Yechidus with Mr. Motti Eden, Tammuz 5740
Ksav Yad – A lessons from planes and rockets for a community activist
Ksav Yad – An Example From Medicine – Follow instructions before knowing why
Letter – A lesson from an accountant in Avodas Hashem
Letter – A lesson from the proper use of medication
Letter – A lesson from cleaning bags of bacteria
"Jumping to the Moon" – The Rebbe explains that scientific development doesn't contradict Torah
"To the Moon" - The lessons to be learned from this historic mission
"Death of Billionaire Howard Hughes"
"Assassination Attempt on President Ronald Reagan".
"Battle of France in 5700"
"Junk Mail" – It can be used as a tool to bring Moshiach
"The Atom Bomb" – Quantity above quality
"Energy Independence" – Fulfilling America's mandate
"The Hippie Movement"
"The Peace Corps"
"Nonviolent Revolutions"
Art – An expression of the soul
Hafatzas Hamaayanos
Going on Shlichus
"Get It Done" – The mission of Dor Hashvi'i
"Mitzvas Hador" – The Rebbe's call of Shlichus
An interview the Rebbe held with Dr. Gershon Kranzler shortly after 10 Shevat 5711 in which he talks of his approach to strengthening Yiddishekeit in America
"On the Front Lines" - A collection of the Rebbe's horaos to Shluchim in their work
The importance of making another Chossid
The Rebbe and Press - The Rebbe's efforts to bring Yiddishkeit to the Media
"Let the World Know" – Publicizing one's efforts in spreading Yiddishkeit
"Understand the Goal and Fulfill It" – Take the initiative in Shlichus!
"Wherever you may be" - Seizing every opportunity to spread Yiddishkeit
Helping others is actually helping yourself
Letter - How to ensure your own spirituality is accounted for while helping others
Letter - Would the Alter Rebbe be satisfied if he visited your city and saw the level of hafatza?
Letter - When spreading Yiddishkeit, be an ‘executive' and not a ‘clerk'
Letter - Is it better to be in Kollel or in hafatza?
The story of Tzach in the U.S.A.
Lubavitch at the World's Fair
Kisvei Yad About Shlichus
"Marching Orders" – What every Chossid in this generation is drafted for
"Now You Worry?!" – Hashem gives the strength needed to carry out the work of spreading Yiddishkeit, especially around the days of Yud-Beis Tammuz
"Force-feeding the Horse" – The right approach to hafatzas hamaayanos
A Chossid is on active duty like a soldier
Spreading Yiddishkeit amongst the youth
The cause of emotional challenges can be the lack of helping to teach other Yidden
"Fully Engaged" – An answer regarding a Shlucha who was asked to teach in a local school
Inform anash that even after the histalkus the Shluchim intensify their work
The urgency of using your influence to spread Yiddishkeit
Why aren't Chassidim utilizing the great opportunities available to spread Yiddishkeit and Chassidus/p>
The great fortune to go on Shlichus
Hashem helps those who bring Yidden closer to Yiddishkeit
When a Chabad girl was a living example of a Chossid and whom she affected
The best way to save Yidden spiritually is by jumping into it
What kind of question is it whether to be involved in hafatza or not?!
A response to someone who wrote about people trying to disrupt hafatzas hamaayanos
Not to take offense from those who try to bother you for your hafatzas hamaayanos
It is impossible to spread the Maayanos unless we maintain a connection with the source, the Rebbe
We need to spread the wellspring itself not just any water
Mitzva Tanks
"Are you a Tankist" – The story of the Mitzva Tanks
"Mivtza Tanks" – A look at the ingenious idea of a few bochurim
Shturem in Mivtzoim – Yoman from Sivan 5734
The Mitzva Tanks Revolution – Yoman from Tammuz 5734
Tankisten Under Attack – Yoman from 10 - 15 Shevat 5735
Pictures - Dollars to the Tankisten
The Ten Mivtzoim
"Ten Points of Light" - General Overview of the Rebbe's Ten Mivtzoim
Eight Facts About Mivtzoim
"Reconnecting" – The Rebbe's launch of Mivtza Tefillin
"Arm and Head" – The Rebbe on the power of Mivtza Tefillin
Overview of Mivtza Tefillin
Ksav Yad - How Tefillin cures schizophrenia
"Heart, Mind and Home" - Checking Tefillin and Mezuzos
"Why Wait" - The Rebbe's response to not wait to begin a Shturem in Mivtza Mezuza
"Our Very Life" - Mivtza Torah
"Redefining the Home"- An overview of Mivtza Bayis Malei Sefarim
"Yavne V'chachomehah"- The Rebbe's call to make every place a Makom Torah
"Ah Lichteken Shturem" – The story of Mivtza Neshek
"Mivtza Kashrus"
"Mivtza Mezuzah"
"Unite the Children" – The story of the Sefer Torah for children
"600,000 Souls" – The story of the Sefer Torah 'Hakloli'
"Mivtza Yom Huledes" – The Rebbe's approach to celebrating birthdays
Sicha - "Yom Huledes" – A personal day
Sicha - "The Greatest Zechus" – Proper conduct on a birthday
For Mivtza Ahavas Yisroel, see Ahavas Yisroel
"Tahalucha" – The minhag of our generation
"The Smart Boy" – The Rebbe learns a lesson in tahalucha from leaving Har Sinai
Beis Chabad
"The Beis Chabad" – A permanent home for Jewish life
Dealing with difficulties
Ksav Yad – A response to a rav in the US who was considering leaving his post
Letter – Encouraging Shluchim to carry on despite obstacles
The Rebbe writes to parents who didn't think their children should go on Shlichus
Financial difficulties on Shlichus
The Rebbe with the Shluchim
A collection of Sunday dollars with the Shluchim
"The Children Come Home" – The story of the Kinus Hashluchim
Reports to the Rebbe on the first Kinus Hashluchim in 5744
"Cherished and Recorded" – The story of ‘Sefer Hashluchim'
"Children on the Front" - The Rebbe's care for the young Shluchim
The Rebbe with Baalei Batim
Pictures - "The Key Element" – 29 Elul 5722
Pictures - "The Rebbe, the Key and the Photographer" – Summer 5733
"To Greater Heights" – The story of the Machne Yisroel Development Fund
Pictures - Machne Yisroel Yechidus
Pictures - "After the Dust Settled" – Bracha to Shluchim after the Machne Yisroel Yechidus
Bochurim - Shluchim
"One Spark at a Time" – The story of Merkos Shlichus"
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe writes to a group of bochurim who were on Merkos Shlichus and missed receiving dollars from the Rebbe
Ksav Yad - To a bochur who after an illness thought he felt healthy enough to go on Merkos Shlichus to any place
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe expresses his pleasure with two Bochurim's exemplary Duch from their Merkos Shlichus
Ksav Yad - Reaching out to even one person on Merkos Shlichus has the ability to create much larger waves than anticipated
The Talmidei Hashluchim to South Africa in 5748
Pictures - "Fohrt Gezunterheit" – Receiving the Rebbe's farewell bracha
"Transforming Tragedy" – The Rebbe sends Bochurim Shluchim to strengthen Eretz Yisroel after the terrorist attack in 5716
The Rebbe's unique travel instructions for a group of Bochurim returning from the Rebbe to Eretz Yisroel
Shlichus around the world
"When I Went on Shlichus" - 8 Stories shared by Shluchim about how their Shlichus began
"Historic Mission" – The Rebbe's Shluchim to Eretz Yisroel, 5736 – 5738
"Total Transformation" – How Chassidus and the Rebbe's Shluchim brought about a spiritual revolution in France
"The Building of an Empire" – Chabad's revolution in Morocco
"Mosdos Oholei Yosef Yitzchok - Morocco" - A telegram from the Rebbe in 5712, asking to convey regards to the students in many cities/p>
"To Conquer a Continent – Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner
Yechidus with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner about his bringing new Shluchim and his return trip to Australia
"Ich Fohr Doch Mit Eich" - Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar and his Shlichus to Miami
"From 770 We're Marching Out" – Reb Nachman Sudak and his Shlichus to England
"Sensitivity and Shlichus" – Rabbi Moshe Feller and his Shlichus to Minnesota
"The Desert Blooms" – Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff and his Shlichus to Texas
"Step by Step" – Rabbi Moshe Herson and his Shlichus to New Jersy
"Conquering California" – Reb Shlomo Cunin and his Shlichus to California
"In Uncharted Territory" – Rabbi Leibel Wolf and his pioneering work in Shlichus on Campus
"Nothing is Impossible" - An interview with Rabbi Nissen Mangel
"Building a Country" – Rabbi Shabsi Alpern and his Shlichus to Brazil
"Fatherly Guidance" – Rabbi Shimon Elituv and the Rebbe's decades of guidance in his Rabbanus
"Every Step of the Way" – Rabbi Pinchus Feldman and his Shlichus to Sydney, Australia
Rabbi Nosson Gurary on his Shlichus on campus
"Early Steps" – Rabbi Avraham Korf and his Shlichus to Florida
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Wolosow – Ramat Yishai, Eretz Yisroel
Rabbi Yossi Goldman – Johannesburg, South Africa
Rabbi Mendel Raskin – Cote S. Luc, Canada
Rabbi Mordechai Avtzon – Hong Kong, China
Rabbi Moshe Wilhelm – Portland, Oregon
Rabbi Yosef Biston – Parkland, Florida
Rabbi Eliyahu Hecht – Lomita, California
Rabbi Yosef Matusof – Toulouse, France
Pinpoints – Alaska
Pinpoints – Uruguay
Pinpoints – Oklahoma
Moshiach and Geula
"Dream or Reality" – How is it realistic to dream about Moshiach?
"What a Contradiction" – Spread Elokus in galus, while Moshiach is about to come
"Traveling Lightly" – Treat Galus as a journey on the road, without the luxuries
"It's Not About You" – The Shechina is in galus as well
Hashem suffers with us in galus – Yoman from Shemos 5743
Ksav Yad – Moshiach will be the best comfort
Ksav Yad – The time for Moshiach is now
What is Moshiach?
"4 Myths and Misconceptions About Moshiach's Coming"
"The Bottom Line" – What is Moshiach coming for?
"Educating About Moshiach" – Can children understand the meaning of the geula?
"Grasping the Geula" – A discussion between the Rebbe and a group of students
"Chassidus and Moshiach" – Moshiach's coming isn't merely a means to an end
"No Jew Left Behind"
"Breathing Moshiach" – Revealing the true "Avir," air of the world
"Why in our Times" – Our generation is superior and will greet Moshiach
Techiyas Hameisim
"Renewal" – What will be by Techiyas Hameisim?
‘"Gilgulim and Moshiach"
"Timeless Ages" – Immortality after Moshiach's arrival
How will Moshiach teach Torah to all the tzaddikim from past generations?
Which one of the gilgulim will contain the neshama?
Ksav Yad – How can the Rebbe take us out of galus if techiyas hameisim is afterwards?
Beis Hamikdash
"Bittul Torah or Beis Hamikdash?" – Which one will it be?
"Mikdash in Mitzrayim" – The story of Chonyo's replica Beis Hamikdash
"Yidden or Beis Hamikdash" – Which is greater?
Pictures - "Precisely Measured" – Replica of the Beis Hamikdash, 26 Adar I 5752
Simanim of Geula
"The Moment of Geula" – Why is our generation so special
"New World" – Current events indicate Moshiach's imminent arrival
"Connect the Dots" – Moshiach in the news
"No Fish for the Ill" – Why won't there be ‘fish' for a ‘patient' before Moshiach comes?
"The Great Wakeup Call" – The Six Day War
"The Cost of Clarity" – What is really happening in the world around us?
"The Shofar Gadol" – Major wars and Moshiach
"A Taste of the Future" – Breakthroughs in technology are a step before Moshiach
Bringing Moshiach
"Moshiach Times" – Moshiach can come now at any moment
"The world in Balance" – Every small mitzvah matters
"One Push" – How can Moshiach come at any moment?
What avoda is left for us to bring Moshiach?
"What More Can We Do?" – Tzedakah to bring Moshiach
"Wonders and Miracles" – To bring the geula, we must thank Hashem for miracles
"Moshiach Will Only Come When…" – The explanation behind the different conditions for Moshiach to come
"Two Beginnings" - When will Moshiach come, in Tishrei or Nissan?
"Kiddush Levana" – A wedding celebration to bring Moshiach
"What is Left" – Can we expect all Yidden to do teshuva before Moshiach comes?
"Crossing the Threshold" – What else must we do to bring Moshiach?
"Shake the Jewish World" – The story of the Frierdiker Rebbe's call ‘L'Alter L'Teshuva'
"What Are You Waiting For?" – A powerful and heartfelt call from the Rebbe, Ksav Yad
"The Need to Act" – Our avoda is necessary to bring Moshiach
"Earth and Heaven" – Verdict of Beis Din
"Ten to Bring Moshiach" – What a Shliach needs to do to bring Moshiach
"Polishing Our Buttons" – Delving into the pisgam of the Frierdiker Rebbe
"The Route to Redemption" – Learning and Living
"A Call to Joy" – The connection of simcha to the geula
Crying Ad Mosai
"Davening For His Arrival" – How the Rambam speaks about Moshiach in his halachos
"A Child's Cry" – Crying out Ad Mosai
"No Justification"
"Moshiach Now, Not Only For Lubavitch" - Every Yid must long for Moshiach
"Today, Now" – Why we daven for Moshiach to come today
Yemos HaMoshiach
"Swords Into Plowshares"
"The Donkey of Moshiach"
"The Beginning of What?" – When will there be a ‘complete' geula?
"The Wolf, the Lamb, and Future Coexistence" – Is this meant literally?
"Every Yid in Eretz Yisroel?" – How will this be possible?
"Our Teacher, Our King" – Why must Moshiach be a king too?
Will we still have free choice when Moshiach comes?
Discovering Moshiach in every detail in the Rebbe's nesius
Discovering Moshiach in Hiskashrus
Discovering Moshiach in Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh
Discovering Moshiach in N'shei U'Bnos Yisroel - The role of women in bringing the geula
Discovering Moshiach in Avodas Hashlichus
Discovering Moshiach in Rashi, Rambam, Pirkei Avos and Likkutei Levi Yitzchok
Discovering Moshiach in the Six Day War
"Inside the Number" – Moshiach in the Roshei Teivos of the year
"Expressions of Redemption" – The Rebbe's Moshiach expressions
"I Expect Him Today" – A collection of conversations during "Dollars"
Q & A: Why keep getting excited only to be disappointed, what will the relationship between Tzaddikim who have Techiyas Hameisim and Moshiach be and will we still have free choice?
Around the Year
The Month of Tishrei
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Tishrei
"Head Start for the Whole Year" – Why Tishrei affects all of our Avodas Hashem
"Triple Perfection" – The significance of the kvius of the year, בש"ז (and the longest year)
"Crying and Dancing" - Tishrei in the presence of Harav Levi Yitzchok
Spending Tishrei with the Rebbe
"My First Visit" – Reb Yisroel Noach Vogel describes his first visit to the Rebbe, Tishrei 5736
Rabbi Asi Speigel, Rosh Hashanah 5746. Rabbi Yossi Groner, Yom Kippur 5737. Rabbi Shimon Druk, Sukkos - Simchas Torah 5734. Rabbi Meir Shneur, Simchas Torah 5733
"To Relive A Tishrei" – Memories and Experiences with Rabbi Yisroel Glitzenstein
Yoman - Tishrei 5713
"One Flight To Open Floodgates" – The first Tishrei charter in 5721
Yoman - Tishrei 5721
Yoman - Tishrei 5736
Yoman - Tishrei 5750
נפלאות בכל - The events of Tishrei 5752 in the Rebbe's presence
"My Personal Guests" – The story of the orchim who travel from far and near to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe
Pictures - "Cake for the Rebbe's Guests"
Sichos and letters about traveling to the Rebbe for Tishrei
Ksav Yad - Letter to Reb Shmuel Azimov on what to be careful with when bringing a group of guests to the Rebbe
"A Time for Hiskashrus – Why is it important to be by the Rebbe for Tishrei
Response to a bochur who wrote that he would be home for Sukkos
Coming to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe today, a farbrengen with Reb Shlomo Zarchi
Rosh Hashanah
"Joyous Tremble" - The avoda of Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah in the Rebbe's court" – A unique description of Rosh Hashanah 5660 with the Rebbe Rashab
Rosh Hashanah in Lubavitch" – Memories of Chassidim with the Rebbe Rashab
"Pidyon Nefesh" – Writing a Pan and being by the Rebbe for Rosh Hashanah
Why travel and spend Rosh Hashanah with the Rebbe?
Pictures - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5736
Pictures - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5737
Pictures - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5742
Pictures - "Panim" - Erev Rosh Hashanah
Pictures - "Hataras Nedarim"
Mivtza Shofar
Rosh Hashanah with the Rebbe – Roundtable discussion
Memories of Rosh Hashanah with the Rebbe – Rabbi Yoinason Golomb
Rosh Hashanah 5712
"Rosh Hashanah 5717"
Rosh Hashanah - Yom Kippur 5718
Rosh Hashanah 5736
Pictures - Tishrei Moments (5-6 Tishrei 5745)
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur With the Rebbe – Roundtable discussion
Erev Yom Kippur 5712
Yom Kippur - Simchas Torah 5737 – Napoleon's march
Pictures - Erev Yom Kippur
Pictures - Erev Yom Kippur 5729
Pictures - "Kaparos" – Erev Yom Kippur 5747
Pictures - "Motzei Yom Kippur"
Pictures - Motzei Yom Kippur 5737
Asares Yimei Teshuva
Ksav Yad - The Shabbos of Aseres Yimei Teshuva
Sukkos with the Rebbe – Roundtable discussion
"Excellence of Origin" - An Overview on Yanover Esrogim
"The First Mivtza" - A report submitted to the Rebbe after the launch of Mivtza Lulav in 5714
Pictures – "Daled Minim" – Erev Sukkos
Pictures - "Gathering in the Sukkah" (Shaloh) – 19 Tishrei 5737
Ksav Yad - Adding our Rebbe to the Chassidishe Ushpizin
"From Generation to Generation" – Lessons from each of the Chassidisher Ushpizin
"The Lulav and the Yeshiva Bochur" – Why is the Lulov the greatest of the Daled Minim and the lesson for a Yeshiva Bochur
Ksav Yad - "Living Like an Esrog"
"The Street Will Dance" – An overview of Simchas Beis Hashoeiva
"Joy to the Core" – celebrating Simchas Beis Hashoeiva
Letter: A lesson from the Daled Minim about the advantage of a sicha over a maamar
First day of Sukkos 5752
Sukkos – Simchas Torah 5731 – The Rebbe's "United Nations"
Simchas Torah
"Up Close And Personal" - Simchas Torah moments with the Rebbe
Detailed description of Simchas Torah by the Rebbe: Rabbi Yossi Gopin, Rabbi Chaim Shapiro and Rabbi Alter Tenenbaum
Simchas Torah with the Rebbe – Overview.
Ksav Yad - The preciousness of the 48 hours of Simchas Torah
Ksav Yad - Spending Simchas Torah with the Rebbe
Simchas Torah 5711
"The Rebbe Brought His Followers To A High Point" - A beautiful description of Simchas Torah by the Rebbe in 5728, as published in the New York Times
Simchas Torah 5741 – The children's hakafa
Simchas Torah 5744
Pictures - Kos Shel Bracha on Motzei Simchas Torah 5747
Simchas Torah 5752
End of Tishrei
The Avoda of ‘VeYaakov Halach Lidarko' after Tishrei
"Back to the Grind" - The transition from Tishrei to Cheshvan
Ksav Yad - After Tishrei one needs to ‘unpack his bundles'
Ksav Yad - Utilize the Yom Tov-packed month of Tishrei to spread Yiddishkeit
Yoman – Bereishis-Noach 5721 – First chartered plane from Eretz Yisroel returns
Pictures - "A Memorable Farewell" – The Rebbe sees off the Tishrei guests
Pictures - "Mechiras Hamitzvos" – Motzei Shabbos Breishis 5740
Pictures - "ויעקב הלך לדרכו" – Life in 770 in the days following Simchas Torah
Pictures – Motzei Shabbos Parshas Noach 5740
The Month of Cheshvan
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Cheshvan
Cheshvan 5711
Cheshvan 5725
Cheshvan 5728
Cheshvan 5738
Cheshvan 5743
Cheshvan 5735
Cheshvan 5746
Cheshvan 5750
Pictures – Cheshvan 5745
Lech lecha 5745
8 Cheshvan 5728 – Reb Moshe Leib Rodshtein passes away
Vayera 5745
Chayei Sara 5745
7 Cheshvan 5746 – Special farbrengen
End of Cheshvan 5751 – Kuntresim of Rebbe Rashab, Kinus Hashluchim
End of Cheshvan 5748 – Kuntreisim, Kinus Hashluchim
20 Cheshvan
"The Quest and Its Fulfillment" – A lesson from the yearning of the Rebbe Rashab for Hashem's revelation as a child.
20 Cheshvan 5713 – Ani Maamin
The Month of Kislev
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Kislev
"Our Month" – How can we relate to this Chassidisher Chodesh?
Kislev 5712
Kislev 5724 (Kennedy's Assassination and Kuntres Bad Kodesh)
Kislev 5739
Kislev 5740 – When the Rebbe proclaimed a public fast
Kislev 5750
Rosh Chodesh Kislev
The complete story of Rosh Chodesh Kislev
What inspires such tremendous joy on Rosh Chodesh Kislev?
"Maladetzen!" – The Rebbetzin on Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Chassidim speak about the meaning of Rosh Chodesh Kislev: Rabbi Mendel Groner, Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, Rabbi Yaakov Winner
Pictures – "We Want To See Our Rebbe" – 13-23 Tishrei 5738
Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5748 – Didan Notzach, First Kinus Hashluchim
Toldos 5745
Pictures - Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5749
Tes-Yud Kislev
"Chassidus Behind Bars" - The story of the Mitteler Rebbe's arrest
The complete story of the arrest and liberation of the Mitteler Rebbe
"Three Maamarim and Stories" – When the Rebbe held a unique farbrengen on Yud Kislev 5722
Yud-Daled Kislev
"Celebrate Together" - Why it's a good thing to celebrate a wedding anniversary
"The Day That Connected Us" – The Rebbe on Yud-Daled Kislev.
"דאס איז דער טאג" – The complete story of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin's wedding
"Marked Through Matanos" – Chassidim's gifts for the Rebbe's wedding anniversary
"A Special Anniversary Gift" – When the Rebbe held a farbrengen in 5741 on the occasion of a Siyum Sefer Torah for the Rebbe and Rebbetzin's wedding anniversary
"Dancing From A Distance" – The Rebbe's parents celebrate his wedding
Chassidim commemorate Yud-Daled Kislev with gifts
"Spiritual Parenthood" – A lesson from the wedding date of a Rebbe
Yud-Tes Kislev
The arrest and liberation of the Alter Rebbe
Celebrating Yud-Tes Kislev
"Rosh Hashanah L'Chassidus" – When Yud-Tes Kislev was established as such a Yom Tov
Ksav Yad - Why Yud-Tes Kislev is a day of ‘good news'
"Matan Torah of the Winter" – The greatness of Yud-Tes Kislev
"A Month of Redemption" – The connection of Yud-Tes Kislev to the final geula
The Alter Rebbe's promise to those that rejoice on Yud-Tes Kislev
Why were there two separate kitrugim against Chassidus?
Why we don't say Tachanun on Yud-Tes Kislev
Yud-Tes Kislev 5711
Vayeshev 5745
Pictures - The farbrengen of Yud-Tes Kislev
Snippets from the farbrengen of Yud-Tes Kislev 5744
Pictures - Highlights from the Farbrengen of 19 Kislev 5745
Pictures – "Chanukah Rally" – 27 Kislev 5737
Pictures - "Two Surprises" – Chanukah Gelt 5737
Pictures - Chanukah Rally with the Rebbe - 5743
Pictures - Morning of the 5th day of Chanukah
Menorah Lighting With The Rebbe – (plus new pictures from Chanukah 5734)
Were the branches of the menorah in the Beis Hamikdosh straight or round?
"Maseches Chanukah" – Why isn't there one on all its halachos?
End of Kislev 5734 – Launching Mivtza Chanukah
Pictures – The Rebbe heads home - Zos Channukah 5734
Chanukah 5735
Chanukah 5746
Chanukah 5747
Chanukah 5752 – Chanukah Live
Chanukah Live 5750
Zos Chanukah 5738
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe's edits on Minhagei Chanukah
"Holy Coins" – Insights and stories from the Rebbe regarding Chanukah Gelt
The various times the Rebbe distributed Chanukah Gelt.
"Towers of Light" – The public menorah lightings
"And There Was Light" - The story of Chanukah Live
Chanukah Mivtzoim
"Chanukah Gelt" – Its meaning and importance
The Month of Teves
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Teves
"We Were All Awestruck" - A description of life with the Rebbe in Teves 5713, written by Reb Sholom Feldman
Yoman – Teves 5725
Yoman – Teves 5726
Yoman - Teves 5735
Yoman – Teves 5737
Yoman – Teves 5746
"Teves: A Paradox?" – What really is the nature of the month?
Hey Teves
"Makdim Refuah" – The Rebbe alluded to the story of Hey Teves in the year beforehand
"Didan Notzach!" – The Story of Hey Teves
What is the role of a Rebbe – The Rebbe's handwritten explanation in connection to the courtcase over the sefarim
Establishing Hey Teves as a Yom Tov
"From a Higher Perspective" – Revisiting the story of Hey Teves
Behind the Scenes – The story of Hey Teves
"Through the Eyes of Bochurim" – Roundtable discussion and timeline of the events of Hey Teves
"Didan Notzach" - A roundtable discussion with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, Rabbi Yitzchok Raskin and Rabbi Yossi Nemes
"The Rebbe is Victorious!" – An interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Goldsmid (Valley Stream, NY)
Yud-Gimmel Kislev – 5746
Yoman of early Teves 5747
About the sefer Derech Emuna
Asara B'Teves
Pictures of the Rebbe on Asara B'Teves 5721
Chof Teves - Yohrtzait of the Rambam
"The Rebbe's Rambam" - A deeper look at the life and teachings of the Rambam
"Perspectives of the Rambam" - His Life, Impact, and Torah as discussed in the Rebbe's Sichos
"Storytelling of the Rambam" - Uncovering the layers in Mishneh Torah
Chof-Daled Teves
Chof-Daled Teves 5723 – Midnight farbrengen
"The Story of Shnas HaKan"
"A Tzaddik's Hilula" – How a Tzaddik's passing brings salvation to the world
"Based on conversations with the Rebbe" - Details on a fascinating booklet about the Alter Rebbe, printed by Kehos in 5708
"A Certain Path" – The explanation of the Mitteler Rebbe's dream
Yoman from the end of Teves 5739, when a group from Brazil came to 770
The Month of Shevat
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Shevat
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5712
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5738
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5744, part 1
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5744, part 2
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5746
Yoman from the month of Shevat 5747
Yud Shevat
"A Nossi Emerges" – The year between the Histalkus and the Kabbalas Hanesius
"The Sun Shines Again" – The pivotal year between Yud Shevat 5710 and 5711
"What Are You Waiting For?" – In a letter written shortly after 10 Shevat, Rabbi Efraim Eliezer Yolles encourages Chassidim to accept the Rebbe as the new Nossi
The aftermath of the Rebbe's Kabbalas Hanesius
"Shabbos Mevarchim In Lubavitch With the New Rebbe" - A description of life with the Rebbe after Kabbalas Hanesius by Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Homnick
"Yemei Breishis" – Interview with Rabbi Yosef Greenberg for a behind the scenes look
"Marching Forward" – Excerpts from the maamar ‘Basi Legani' 5711
Ksav Yad – Taking charge of the Nefesh Habehamis through Basi Legani
Ksav Yad – How the maamar alludes to the Frierdiker Rebbe’s histalkus and the action to be called in its wake
Overview of the Basi Legani hemshech
"Shabbos at the Tavern" – A story of the Frierdiker Rebbe and its lesson
"Warm Up" – A story of the Frierdiker Rebbe with a timely lesson
Each year, Yud Shevat is an opportune time to strengthen our Hiskashrus
"The Sun Rises" – The power of Yud Shevat
"Very Much Alive" – The Rebbe lives on, what does it mean to be "fully" alive?
The complete story of Moshiach's Sefer Torah
Yud-Yud Alef Shevat 5711 – The day of Kabbalas Hanesius
Yud Shevat 5728 – Basi Legani on Friday night
Yud Shevat 5735 - celebration 25
Pictures - Farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5735
Yud Shevat 5740 - Celebration 30
Yud Shevat 5750 – Celebration 40
The day after Yud Shevat – Beshalach 5745
Beshalach – Shira, the merit of women in bringing Moshiach
The Rebbe speaks amazing words on preparing for Yud Shevat – Yoman from 5752
Overview of some of the niggunim sung at the farbrengen of Yud Shevat 5732
The Rebbe's response about what to do on a special Yud Shevat
A farbrengen with Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin and Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt in honor of Yud Shevat
Pictures – Yud Shevat with the Rebbe in the 5720s
Pictures – Yud Shevat 5736
Pictures – "Forty Years, Forty Tanks" – Yud Shevat 5750
Pictures – Erev Yud Shevat 5751
15 Shevat
"Grow and Give" – What to learn from the tree within us
"Be Like a Tree" – Planting a tree versus planting grain
A lesson from the treasures of the Shivas Haminim
"Tu B'Shevat with the Rebbe
Teruma 5744
The Month of Adar
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Adar 1
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Adar 2
Adar 5712
Adar I 5727
Adar I-II 5725
Adar 5742
Adar I 5744
Adar 1 5746
Zayin Adar – The birthday of Moshe Rabbeinu
Tes Adar – The miraculous rescue of the Frierdiker Rebbe from occupied Poland
Sicha – What Purim can teach us about Jewish Pride
Sicha – Why destroy Amalek's sheep?
Sicha – Remembering to forget Amalek
"Priorities" – Why the Medrash says that Amalek comes because of the transgression of using alternate weights and measures to cheat in business
"Fight to the End" – Parshas Zachor and the fight against the evil of Amalek
"Purim Katan 5687" – The historic maamar and its timeless message
"No Way to Hide" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's reply to his interrogaters and a message from the story of Purim
"In the King’s Court" – A complete overview of Purim with the Rebbe
Mivtza Purim – The Rebbe's extraordinary attention
"Mivtza Purim" – Spreading the light and joy
"A Daring Shlichus" – A story told by the Rebbe on Purim 5736
"Escalating Joy" – Preparing for Purim
"Never Too High" – Why did Haman's gallows need to be 50 amos high?
"Victory in Exile" – Why does the Gemara choose the example of a Yid having a dispute with a goy in Adar in order to explain the joy of Purim?
Parshas Zachor 5718
Purim 5711
Purim 5713 – Heavenly affairs for Russian Jewry
Purim 5716 - One of the most joyous farbrengens of the Rebbe’s nesius
Purim 5718
The Shabbos after Purim 5718
Purim 5726
Purim 5733
Purim 5727
The Shabbos after Purim 5737
Purim 5741 – The surprise maamar on Erev Shabbos
Shabbos Tisa (Purim) 5745
Why we eat Hamantashen
Purim Guests in the Rebbe's Presence – Zalman Shazar, Chaim Potok, Yisrael Kenig, and the Iranian Children
"A Chassidisher Purim" – Stories of the Rabbeim related to Purim
Pictures - Purim 5721
Pictures - Purim 5724
Pictures – Purim 5729 – Megillah reading
Pictures – "No Simple Gift" – The Rebbe's Megillos
Pictures – "A Purim Guest" – Shazar visits the Rebbe on Purim 5731
"Presidential Preparations" – The Rebbe's edits on the scheduling of Shazar's visit on Purim 5731
Pictures – "Purim 5749" – A festive Purim with the Rebbe
Snippets from the farbrengen of Purim 5732
Chof-Zayin Adar 1
The Rebbe's last sicha
Purim Katan 5752
Shabbos Vayakhel, 27 Adar 1 5752
26 Adar 1 5752 – The last Sunday Dollars
Chof-Zayin Adar 1 – How to find direction today
"Our Part" – what can Chassidim do after 27 Adar 1?
Hisvaadus Chassidim - 27 Adar 1, 5752
"Moshiach is Already on his Way" – The last Sunday dollars, 26 Adar 1 5752
The Month of Nissan
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Nissan
"Crowning Moment" – Why Rosh Chodesh Nissan is like the "king" of the year
Nissan 5711
Nissan 5722 (the Rebbe's 60th Birthday)
Nissan 5745 (the first Siyum Ha'rambam)
Nissan 5749
Beis Nissan
"Ashkavta D'Rebbi" - The histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab. Personal recollections of this sublime saga and the tumultuous events leading up to this date recorded and transcribed in diary form
Yud-Alef Nissan
"The Birth of a Yom Tov" - Early Yud Aleph Nissan Celebrations (5662 - 5731)
"Yud Aleph Nissan Milestone Celebrations" - 70th, 80th and 90th birthday's
Brachos from Chassidim to the Rebbe and from the Rebbe to Chassidim
"Mein Tug" – What does it mean that the Rebbe 'possesses' the day of Yud-Alef Nissan?
Sicha – The great celebration in Shamayim on the birthday of a nossi and the way to properly utilize this day
"Nossi in Essence" – How a Rebbe is a Rebbe from birth
"The World Aglow" – What is special about the day a Rebbe is born if his neshama already existed in this world beforehand?
"Height at Eleventh" – The Rebbe explains how the unique quality of Pesach begins on Yud-Alef Nissan
Yud-Alef Nissan with the Rebbe
Timeline of Yud Aleph Nissan with the Rebbe throughout the years
"Ana Nasiv Malka" – The Rebbe's Yud-Alef Nissan maamarim
The Rebbe's Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen's
A Global Celebration
"Eternal Mementos" - Yud Aleph Nissan Chalukos
Education Day U.S.A. – The Rebbe's vision for education
"Education Day U.S.A. – A national holiday
Matanos For Yud-Alef Nissan – Giving of oneself
The Greatest Pleasure - Gifts presented to the Rebbe
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe notes all the publications published in honor of Yud-Aleph Nissan 5742
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe thanks Chassidim for coming for Yud-Alef Nissan
"Thank You For Coming" - Traveling to the Rebbe for Yud Aleph Nissan
The Rebbe's appreciation for peulos done in honor of Yud-Alef Nissan 5732
Ksav Yad – The Rebbe instructs a Jew about to leave Judaism, to stay in 770 until after Yud-Alef Nissan
Yud-Alef Nissan 5722
Yud-Alef Nissan 5732
Yud-Alef Nissan 5742 – 80 Years
Yud-Alef Nissan 5742 – From the diary of Zalman Jaff.
Yud-Alef Nissan 5744
Yud-Alef Nissan 5737 – 75 Years
Snippets from the farbrengen of Yud-Alef Nissan 5743
Yud-Alef Nissan 5738
Yud-Alef Nissan - Rabbi Paris (Montreal), Rabbi Scheiman (IL)
Yud-Alef Nissan - Rabbi Y.Y. Gourarie (Detroit), Rabbi Y.Y. Itkin (Pittsburgh)
Yud-Aleph Nissan - Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Rabbi Yossi Shemtov, Rabbi Eli Wolff
"Light and Joy" - Rabbi Yisroel Noach Vogel, Rabbi Eli Nosson Silberberg, Rabbi Zushe Greenberg and Rabbi Shmuel Butman
Regarding the Yud-Alef Nissan Niggunim see Background To Niggunim
Hisvaadus Chassidim
Pesach with the Rabbeim. A collection of stories, anecdotes and recollections
Overview of the Rebbe's Haggadah
"Hei Lachma Anya" - A deeper look
Going out of our personal Mitzrayim
"Living in the Trenches" – A lesson from the Russia-Japan war in 1904, to Pesach
Why hand-baked Shmurah Matzah
Why sell Chometz, What is An "Arev Kablan"?
Pictures - "Two Precious Minutes" – Moments from Mayim Shelanu
Ksav Yad - The Custom of Saying "Tatte..." by the Ma Nishtane even if one lost his father
Pictures - Erev Pesach 5740
Pictures - "Chalukas Hamatzos" – The Rebbe's annual distribution of matzos
The Rebbe's Chalukas Hamatzos
"Priceless Matzos" – An Overview of the Rebbe's Chalukas Hamatzos
Pictures - Matzah Distrubution, 7 Nissan 5749
Ksav Yad - Let the doctors examine you after you ate matzah on Pesach
The Rebbe's Seder
Pesach Seder with the Rebbe - 15 short insights from the Rebbe on the Haggadah, one for each step of the Seder/p>
Roundtable discussion about the Rebbe's seder
"Leil Shimurim" – The Rebbe's visits to Sedorim of mosdos around Crown Heights
"Seudas Moshiach" – A new revelation
Seudas Moshiach – Explanations, its history and special events surrounding it
The Rebbe's campaign to ensure every Jew celebrates Pesach properly
"Haggadah for Children" - Engaging the youth with a child-friendly Haggadah/p>
Pesach 5714
Pesach 5732
Pictures - The Rebbe seeing off the guests who came for 11 Nissan and Pesach 5732
Pesach 5748
Yoman – Emor 5744
Sefiras Haomer
"If Moshiach Comes During Sefiras Haomer"
"Touching the Depth" – A journey through Pirkei Avos with the Rebbe's perspective
What is the connection between "Kol Yisroel" and the minhag to learn Pirkei Avos?
Why we learn Maseches Sotah during sefirah/p>
Crossing the international dateline during sefirah
Ksav Yad regarding crossing the international dateline during sefira
What lessons can we learn from the days of sefirah? – Quality over quantity
The Month of Iyar
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Iyar
"Iyar: Transformation in Leaps and Bounds" – The great power of the month
Iyar 5710
Iyar 5727 (Six Day War)
Iyar 5734
Iyar 5740
15 Iyar 5751 – Dvar Malchus Kuntres
Pesach Sheini
"It Depends On You" – Why did the Yidden demand ‘lama nigara'?
Lag B'omer
"A Salute to Judaism" – The story of the Lag B'omer parades
"Sharing Our Distress" – A lesson from Rashbi on how to deal with galus
"The Life of Rashbi Then and Now" – The connection between Rashbi and the Frierdiker Rebbe
"Rashbi" - A Fusion of Opposites
Lag B'Omer 5707 – Long farbrengen in Paris
Lag B'Omer 5726
Lag B'Omer 5730 – Mihu Yehudi
Lag B'Omer 5735 – Kos Shel Bracha to Tankisten)
Lag B'Omer 5744
Lag B'omer 5746
Lag B'Omer 5747
Pictures - Lag B'Omer 5720
Pictures - Farbrengen of Lag B'Omer 5722
The Month of Sivan
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Sivan
Sivan 5741
Letter – Shavuos in our lives
"Matzos in Sivan" – Why Shavuos was called ‘Chag Hamaztos' in Lubavitch
Did Hashem force the Yidden to accept the Torah?
The Mesirus Nefesh of Naaseh v'nishma was inspired by Yitzchok Avinu
"Self-education" – The common denominator between the three central figures of Shavuos
"Torah Wealth" – Why did Moshe Rabbeinu need to amass material riches
The Rebbe's Hora'os on bringing Children to hear the Aseres Hadibros
Shavuos and the International Dateline
Maamar Matan Torah
Overview – Shavuos with the Rabbeim
"Bikkurim" – When Chassidim brought bikkurim to the Alter Rebbe
Yemei Hatashlumin with the Rebbe
Bechukosai 5746 – Shabbos Achdus
Shavuos 5711
Shavuos 5712 – The first Matan Torah Maamar
Shavuos 5727 – Mivtza Tefillin right after the Six Day War
Shavuos 5728 – Memoirs of Zalman Jaffe
Shavuos 5730
Shavuos 5731 – Memoirs of Zalman Jaffe
Shavuos 5733 – Memoirs of Zalman Jaffe
Shavuos 5735 - The Bilingual Tanya
Shavuos 5743 – Memoirs of Zalman Jaffe
Shavuos 5744/p>
Shavuos 5748
Sivan 5740
Beginning of Sivan 5730 – Memoirs of Zalman Jaffe
Behaaloscha 5727
Days after Shavuos 5744
Shabbos Nasso 5751
Why do we say Pirkei Avos after Shavuos?
Square or round Luchos?
Pictures – "Motzei Shavuos 5723
Pictures – "Personal Farewell" – Sivan 5728
Pictures – The days of Shavuos 5749
Ksav Yad - Why it's extra special to begin lighting Yom Tov Candles on Shavuos
Chof-Ches Sivan
"Impacting the World - Bottom-Up" – The Rebbe coming to America starts a new era in the coming of Moshiach
The complete story of Chof-Ches Sivan
A timeline of the escape of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin
"Serpa Pinto" – The dangerous journey on the ship that brought the Rebbe and Rebbetzin
"The Rebbe and Rebbetzin's Journey" - Historic Documents connected with 28 Sivan
"The New World" – How the Rebbe transformed America upon his arrival with three Mosdos, and the purpose of each one: Merkos, Machane Yisroel and Kehos
"America's Matan Torah" - Age-Old Values Repurposed - A farbrengen with Rabbi Yossi Gourarie and Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
Chof-Ches Sivan 5751 – Kovetz Chof-Ches Sivan
Pictures - Chof Ches Sivan 5751
2 Tammuz 5701 – First farbrengen in America
The Month of Tammuz
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Tammuz
Yoman - Tammuz 5742
Yoman - Tammuz 5748
Yoman - Tammuz 5751
Gimmel Tammuz – A farbrengen with Reb Yosef Abrahams
Gimmel Tammuz – Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar (FL), and Rabbi Shlomo Cunin (CA)
Gimmel Tammuz צו זיין דעם רבי'נס– Farbrengen with Rabbi Moshe Wolberg
"Does the Rebbe Know Me" - A Farbrengen with Reb Shlomo Zarchi in honor of Gimmel Tammuz
Gimmel Tammuz – The history and significance of this date
Gimmel Tammuz - Rabbi Yossi Lew
A compilation of the Rebbe's horaos to Chassidim after Yud Shevat
Hora'os for the days surrounding the Yom Ha'hilula
Ksav Yad - The Brachos that Chassidim receive on the Yom Ha'hilula
Sicha about our everlasting connection to the Rebbe – Yud Shvat 5726
Shouldn't a Yohrtzait be a solemn time? - An Adaptation from the Sichos of 10 Shevat 5723
Yud Shevat 5711
See also Yud Shevat
Gimmel Tammuz
Yud-Beis Tammuz
"In The Lion's Den" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's Arrest and Liberation
"Gradual Miracles" – A deeper explanation into the order of events that happened around the Frierdiker Rebbe's arrest and liberation
"Connecting with Mind and Body" - Insight into the Frierdiker Rebbe's Reshima on the day he was released from prison, “Yehi Hashem Elokeinu imanu ka’asher haya im avoseinu..."
"Three Reactions" – A lesson from the way the news of liberation was received
"Defying the Government" – A letter written by a rav regarding the Frierdiker Rebbe's mesiras nefesh in the months leading up to his arrest
"Until the Last Drop of Blood" – The story of the oath the Frierdiker Rebbe made with a group of Chassidim at the start of the Communist regime in Russia
The third imprisonment of the Frierdiker Rebbe – 5666
The days surrounding Yud-Beis Tammuz 5710
Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz 5736
Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz 5737
Yud-Beis Tammuz 5727
Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz 5741
Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz 5745
Pictures - Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz 5743
The days around Yud-Beis Tammuz 5711
Balak 5724
The Month of Menachem-Av
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Menachem Av
Yoman from the month of Av 5710
Yoman from the month of Av 5734
Yoman from the month of Av 5738
Yoman from the month of Av 5741
Yoman from the month of Av 5742
Yoman from the month of Av 5749
Three weeks – Tisha B'Av
"Building a New Reality" – Learning Hilchos Beis Habechirah
Horaos for Tisha B'Av – A Ksav Yad compiled and synopsized
What is our approach to the Nine Days? – A paradox
"Torah Joy" – Why Torah is needed the most during the Three Weeks
"The Neshama Sees" – How can we feel when our neshamos sees the Mikdash Hashlishi
Pictures - Fast days with the Rebbe
Pictures - Tisha B'Av with the Rebbe
Tisha B'Av 5751
Chamishah Asar B'Av
Maximizing Potential
The Month of Elul
"המעשה הוא העיקר" – Hora'os the Rebbe gave for the month of Elul
A Chassidishe Elul
Elul is a chance to elevate the Avodah of an entire year
Elul – "Privileges Need Caution" – Hashem is close, how should we serve him as such?
Sicha – "Elul – Our Own Time" – Why isn't Elul a Yom Tov?
Sicha – "An Unexpected Response" – What is the way that Hashem awakens us to do Teshuva?
Sicha – "Proceding Beyond Our Past" – How do we have the chutzpah to ask for forgiveness?
Ksav Yad – Reporting good news to the Rebbe in Elul
What is Teshuva?
Elul 5717
Elul 5719
Elul 5721
Elul 5724
Elul 5740 – Preparing for Hakhel
Pictures – Krias HaTorah in Elul
Pictures – Rally with campers, 14 Elul 5740
See also Teshuva
Chai Elul
'Mofsim in Chabad?" – The lesson from the miraculous ‘Seven Torahs' in Gan Eden
Chai Elul 5722
Chai Elul 5734
Yemei Haselichos
End of Elul 5710
End of Elul 5711
End of Elul 5723
End of Elul 5724
"A Spiritual Sabbatical" - The meaning of Shemitah and the Rebbe's involvement in supporting this mitzvah in Eretz Yisroel today
"Shemitah - What It's All About" - Taking a year off to increase in learning Torah
"Six Years Of Preparation" - A lesson a full-time Torah scholar can take from a farmer
"Shemitah Talk" - The proactive aspect of Shemitah
"Shemitah = Change" - Shemitah teaches us how to make a drastic change in our lives
"First and Foremost" - Shemitah teaches us the essence of our daily lives
"Shabbos for a year"
"Shemitah with Moshiach"
"Opportunities of Shemitah"
"Shabbos First"
"Shabbos and Shemitah"
"The Power of the Pruzbul"
"15 Menachem Av - Torah and Tzedaka especially in a Shemitah year"
"Shemitah and Hakhel - The Woman's Role"
Coming to spend Hakhel with the Rebbe
An overview of Shnas Hakhel by the Rebbe throughout the years
The Power of Hakhel – Wonders that occurred in the world in a Hakhel year
The history and an overview of Mivtza Hakhel
An in-depth treatment of the mitzvah of Hakhel based on its sources in Torah and how the Rebbe applies it to our modern day
A Roundtable Farbrengen on Hakhel - With Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, Rabbi Shmuel Greisman, Rabbi Avrohom Mann, Rabbi Mendel Raskin and Rabbi Levi Slonim
"Kinusei Hakhel" - Why, how and when
Hakhel in Practice
"Hakhel in Galus"
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe encourages a Shliach to begin preparing for Shnas Hakhel
The Rebbe's Michtav Kloli to children in Shnas Hakhel 5741
Adar 1
Adar 2
Days of Meaning – Complete Calender
Month of Tishrei
Month of Cheshvan
Month of Kislev
Month of Teves
Month of Shevat
Month of Adar
Month of Nissan
Month of Iyar
Month of Sivan
Month of Tammuz
Month of Av
Month of Elul
A Word on the Parsha
Noach - Chaye Sarah
Toldos - Va'yeshev
Miketz - Shemos
Va'era - Yisro
Mishpotim - Va'yakhel
Pkudei - Shmini
Tazria - Acharei Mos
Kdoshim - Bechukosai
Bamidbar - Korach
Chukas - Matos-Masei
Dvarim - Re'eh
Shoftim - Nitzavim-Vayelach
Haazinu - Vezos Ha'Bracha
"Alone Against the World" – A lesson from the life of Noach
"Save the World" – What can we learn from Noach's compassion to the animals?
"Rain of Blessing" – Why all rain, even the Mabul, is a positive thing
Ksav Yad – Avraham and his Children (Parshas Toldos)
Lesson from Parshas Tzav - Training the body to follow Hashem's command
Lesson from Parshas Tazriya - Why does the Torah first speak about the tumah of shratzim
Lesson from Parshas Acharei - Nothing can separate a Yid from Hashem
Lesson from Parshas Bechukosai – Learning beyond logic
Lesson from Parshas Shelach - "What spooked the spies?
Rashi Sichos
Parshas Breishis
Parshas Noach
Parshas Va'yetze
Arum Chassidus
Chassidishe History
Chronological Biographies of the Rabbeim
The Arizal
The Baal Shem Tov
Biography of the Baal Shem Tov - Childhood and Early Years (Part 1)
Biography of the Baal Shem Tov - His Revelation and Leadership (Part 2)
The Mezritcher Maggid
A Biography of the Mezritcher Maggid
"Chassidus Proliferation" - The Life and Times of the Alter Rebbe
The Alter Rebbe
The Mitteler Rebbe
"Rechovos Hanahar" - The Life and Times of the Mitteler Rebbe
The Tzemach Tzedek
"A Confluence of Worlds" - A biography of the Tzemach Tzedek
The Rebbe Maharash
"L'Chatchila Ariber" - A biography of the Rebbe Maharash
The Rebbe Rashab
"Lighting Lamps" – The life and times of the Rebbe Rashab
The Frierdiker Rebbe
A Rebbe's Chinuch - The story of the Frierdiker Rebbe's childhood
The Rebbe
Harav Levi Yitzchok
Chabad History
"Seeing Our Rabbeim" – A historical sketch of the portraits and photographs of our Rabbeim
"Memaleh Mekomo" – The story of the Kabbalas Hanesius of each of the Rabbeim
"The Alter Rebbe's Fight Against Napoleon"
"The Capital" - The Story of the Town of Lubavitch
"Fields of Faith" - the story of the kolonyes, the agricultural colonies of the Chassidim
"The Stardoub Affair" - A secret tale of heroism
"Sacks-Full of Mesiras Nefesh" - The Beginnings of Lubavitch in America
"A Royal Visit" - The Frierdiker Rebbe's Trip to the Holy Land
"Moving The Ohel" - Moving the Rebbe Rashab's resting place
The miraculous rescue of the Frierdiker Rebbe from occupied Poland
"Changing Lives Forever" – The story of the Pegisha
"Crown Heights" – The story of the Rebbe's battle to uphold the neighborhood
Eight Facts About Crown Heights
"Escape From Iran" – Lubavitch's secret operation to rescue the children from danger
"A Light From Lubavitch" – Overview of the Hatomim periodical
"The Power of Temimim" - In a handwritten letter to the Frierdiker Rebbe, the Rebbe asks that he publish a special edition of Hatomim
"Kovetz Lubavitch" – The history and purpose of this special journal
"A Gift for the Rebbe" handwritten by the Rebbe for the Frierdiker Rebbe, 5705
"The Very Life of the Rabbeim" – Bringing back the Seforim from Captivity in Russia
"Rescuing the Library" – Saving the Rabbeim's treasured library in Poland
Chelek 15 Igros Frierdiker Rebbe
"The Great Fire" – The story of the fire in Lubavitch in 5616
"The Great Escape" – The story of how thousands of Chassidim escaped the Soviet Union via the Eshalon's
Ksav Yad – 770 is a home for every Jew, because of the Rebbe
"The Heartbeat of Lubavitch" – The history of 770
Eight Facts About 770
About Negina
"Nichoach" – Preserving Chabad music for posterity
The source for ‘Seder Niggunim'
Niggunim in Davening
The Power of a Niggun
Accuracy in Niggunim
Background to Niggunim
Reb Nota Peharer's Voloch
Der Zebiner Kop
The Rebbe's Niggunim
Asader Lisedusa
Niggun Hahishtatchus
Reb Zalmen Zlatapolsky
Yifrach B'Yomov
V'harikosi Lachem Bracha (slow)
Hinei Ma Tov (Lag B'omer)
Ech Ti Dudah (Russian)
Ana Avda (Shavuos)
Pictures – "Ana Avda" – Reb Zalman Teibel's Niggun, 29 Elul 5743
The Alter Rebbe's Niggunim
Tosheiv Enosh (Alter Rebbe)
Hachayenu Kel
Essen Est Zich
Essen Est Zich – "The Perfect Note" – Pictures, 23 Tishrei 5729
Niggunim of Reb Shlomo Tchasniker
Nye Zhuritze' Chluptzie
Niggun Kapelia
Haneiros Halalu (Chanukah)
Niggunim of Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev
Birkas Kohanim
The ‘Search and Find' Niggun
The Benoni
Eimosai Ka'asi Mar
The Rebbe Rashab's Niggunim
"Ee V'yademi" (Russian)
Kol Ba'yaar
"Hidden Talents" – Niggunim of Reb Yehuda Eber
Niggun Hishtapchus L'Reb Mendel Horodoker
Hopp Cossack (Shpoler Zaide)
"U'veyom Simchaschem"
"Tzama Lecha Nafshi"
On a Journey of Yearning - the Niggun "Tzama Lecha Nafshi"
"We Want Moshiach Now"
"Napoleon's March"
"Ani Maamin"
Reb Michel Zlotchover's Niggun
"Nyet Nyet Nikavoh"
Niggun Hakafos
The history of the Yud-Alef Nissan Niggunim over the years
Yud-Alef Nissan Niggunim
Sheyibone Beis Hamikdash
A Chassidishe Story
Its importance
"History for the Future" – The importance of Chassidishe Sippurim
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe encourages a Chossid to publish "undisclosed" stories
The importance of Sippurei Chassidim
"True Stories" – The Rebbe writes to Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin regarding ensuring the truthfulness of stories
Reb Yoel Baal Shem
"The Scholar and Savior"
The Baal Shem Tov
"Joy at the Seder" – When the dance of simple Jews broke through the evil decrees
"Blessed Charity" – A charitable Jew's power to bless
"Who Will be the Tenth" – The Baal Shem Tov cures a sickly man to make the minyan
The miraculous Sefer Torah of the Baal Shem Tov
"Bitachon in Hashem" – The Baal Shem Tov's solemn Pesach
"Yisroel Ben Sarah Made No Mistake" – A misnaged is awed by the Baal Shem Tov's knowledge in Torah
"Lost and Found" – The Baal Shem Tov's story of the Neshama of a prince who converted
"A Soul's Journey" – The Baal Shem Tov reveals to a chossid his previous Gilgul
"The Mission" – The Baal Shem Tov sends a Chossid to elevate a property in ruins
"The Lost Soul" – Reb Elyahu Baal Shem helps return a neshama back to the fold
"Mysterious Messenger" – After his passing, the Baal Shem Tov helps a Jewish boy raised by a non-Jews return to his father
"The Great Exchange" – The Baal Shem Tov teaches the entire Torah to a simple tinsmith
"Every Jew is a Brother" – The Baal Shem Tov cures a misnaged
"The Forgotten Defendant" - The Baal Shem Tov's saves the son of Reb Michel Zlotchover
"The Obedient Peasant" – The Baal Shem Tov performs Techiyas Hameisim
"A Taste of Poverty" – The Baal Shem Tov fulfills the request of a gvir
"An Arm for an Arm" – The Baal Shem Tov transfers the power of movement
"The Cost of Concentration" – The Baal Shem Tov's ‘Echad'
"Just in Time" – The Baal Shem Tov saves a Chossid at the last minute
"A Healing Reference" – The Baal Shem Tov heals a women and earns a Chossid
"How to Live Forever" – The Baal Shem Tov arranges for children to be named after a certain couple
The Mezritcher Maggid
"The Maggid, the Vilna Gaon and Reb Refoel of Hamburg"
"Why Are You Watching Me?" - When did the Maggid have time to think about a thief...
"A Very Serious Joke" – The Mezritcher Maggid arranges a unique shidduch
"Who is Boss" – The Mezritcher Maggid teaches a Chossid a lesson
"The Maggid and the Sleeve" – The Maggid miraculously helps an aguna
"A Debate Over His Tears" – The Maggid finds a coin from heaven
"A Heated Quarrel" – When the talmidim of the Maggid attempted to place a cherem on the misnagdim, without the Alter Rebbe
Talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov and Maggid
"Only Six Words" – Reb Michel Zlotchover saves a wedding from happening
"It's All About Perspective" – Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev helps an arrogant heretic do teshuva
"A Two Fold Miracle" – Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev gives a cryptic answer helping two Yidden in turn
"Did You Ask permission" – Reb Nochum of Chernobyl is saved from the forces of impurity
"The True Story" – A Chossid was forbidden to see his Rebbe (Reb Nochum Chernobyler)
Yoman of Mishpatim 5747
Hidden Tzaddikim
"What is Shabbos For?" - A lessson to not disparage the Jewish people
The Alter Rebbe
"Investing Where it Counts" – The Alter Rebbe helps a former misnaged
"I Was Talking About You?!" – The Alter Rebbe helps bring a yishuvnik to teshuva
"A Moment At The Door" – A staunch Misnaged becomes the Alter Rebbe's devoted Chossid
"A Chassidishe Pilpul" – What the Rogatcover Gaon said about the Alter Rebbe
Takanos Liozna and the Chadarim – The Alter Rebbe's organized command
"In Search of a Permit" – The Alter Rebbe helps start the famous Slavita Press
The picture of the Alter Rebbe
"The Need for Travel" – The Alter Rebbe meets leaders of the misnagdim after Yud-Tes Kislev
"Unusual Advice" – The Alter Rebbe gives a bracha for rainfall
"Journey of the Fish" – The Alter Rebbe elevates a neshama who was reincarnated as a fish
"Flame Contained" – A miracle of the Alter Rebbe evokes memories of the Baal Shem Tov
"The Fire of Simchas Torah" – The Alter Rebbe cures a group of Yidden for Hakafos
"The Trial That Never Began" – The Alter Rebbe saves a Chossid from incriminating evidence
"The Last Journey" – The Alter Rebbe returns a lofty soul to its final rest
"Fire!" – The Alter Rebbe forsees and prevents a terrible fire from taking place
"The Imperfect Watch" – The Alter Rebbe helps a newly married mute woman
"Solution From On High" – The Alter Rebbe helps rid Russian Jewry of an evil minister
The Mitteler Rebbe
"Far, Near and Expensive" – The Mitteler Rebbe helps Reb Yekusiel Leipler find a cure for his son
"True Discretion" – Reb Yaakov Cadaner related some of the character traits of the Mitteler Rebbe
"A Watery Lesson" – When Reb Yosef Sholom of Shklov was taught a lesson in tzedakah from his Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe
The Tzemach Tzedek
"We Want to See the Rebbe!" - The Tzemach Tzedek and the Cantonists
Letter – Why didn't the author mention the Tzemach Tzedek when he should have?
"The Power of Imagination" – A story from the Tzemach Tzedek – Tracht gut, vet zein gut
"A Prescription for Success" – The Tzemach Tzedek teaches a wealthy couple about giving tzedakah
"Hush" – The Tzemach Tzedek and the secretive Siyum Sefer Torah
"Dreaming a Mission" – The Tzemach Tzedek saves a Chossid's son from the draft
"Who Belongs" – The Tzemach Tzedek teaches arrogant baalei batim a lesson in ahavas Yisroel
"The Right Man For The Job" – The Tzemach Tzedek finds a solution for a desperate inkeeper
"The Spoken and the Unspoken" – The Tzemach Tzedek suggests a surprising business enterprise
"A Higher Power" – The Tzemach Tzedek's special power to help agunos
"Who Has Questions" – The Tzemach Tzedek melts away a Chossid's doubts in Emunah
"Lost on the way to Lubavitch" – The Tzemach Tzedek redirects a Chossid to safety
"The Shepherd in the Pit" - The Tzemach Tzedek brings a poritz to do teshuva
"How Was I to Know?" – The Tzemach Tzedek performs a double miracle
"The Terrified Mailman" – The Tzemach Tzedek inspires fear to help an aguna and her son
"A Fishy Business Deal" – The Tzemach Tzedek saves a Chossid's business
"A Tale of Two Zalmans" – The Tzemach Tzedek gives a bracha for children
"A Question of What and Why" – The Tzemach Tzedek's advice saves a Chossid
"A Journey Planned in Heaven" – The Tzemach Tzedek changed the route of an army battalion to help an aguna get a get
The Rebbe Maharash
"Downfall of a Rasha" – The Rebbe Maharash spoils the efforts to draft his son the Rebbe Rashab into the army
"The Hidden Miracle" – The Rebbe Maharash saves a Jewish innkeeper from the plot of a wicked Priest
"A Job for the Chassidim" – The Rebbe Maharash stops the pogroms against the Yidden
"The Timely Telegram" – The Rebbe Maharash stops a scheming Jew-hating minister
"Don't Feel Entitled" – The Rebbe Maharash stops a couple from getting divorced with a miraculous bracha for children
"A Word from the Wise" – The Rebbe Maharash's advice to two businessmen
"A Courageous Request" – The Rebbe Maharash's efforts to stop the pogroms
"Toras Chaim" – The Rebbe Maharash's soulful davening
"An Anticipated Bris" – The amazing story of the Rebbe Maharash's bris
Some stories related by the Frierdiker Rebbe about the Rebbe Maharash
"Understanding the Rebbe's Words" – The Rebbe Maharash helps his Chossid get guests for Shavuos
"Feel the Other" – The Rebbe Maharash shows Chassidim a lesson in ahavas Yisroel
The Rebbe Rashab
"No Backing Down" – The Rebbe Rashab's fearless approach to the issues of Russian Jewry
"Personal Business" – The Rebbe Rashab's mashal from an owner of a business to avodas Hashem
"Priceless Papers" – Stories about the Rebbe Rashab related by Reb Yitzchak Meir Goldin
"The Early Morning Inspection" – The Rebbe Rashab teaches how to take care of the mikveh
"More Than a Blessing" – The Rebbe Rashab gets rid of a Chossid's enemies
"A Fortunate Mix Up" – The Rebbe Rashab saves a Chossid from arrest
"A Matter of Little Money" – The Rebbe Rashab saves a Chossid from a great loss
"A Telegram, a Surgery and a Medical Miracle" – The Rebbe Rashab recommends a surgery for a Chossid
"In Exchange for a Soldier" – The Rebbe Rashab saves a Chossid from being drafted
"The Midnight Encounter" – The Rebbe Rashab saves the life of a bochur
"The Mysterious Guests" – The Rebbe Rashab hides his identity
"Paper, Pastries and Payback" – The Rebbe Rashab's Chossid who found his lost suitcase
"Finding your Purpose" – A letter from the Rebbe Rashab transforms a community
"Created As New" – A Chossid becomes completely bottul when standing before the Rebbe Rashab
"Shhh... Don't say that" – The Rebbe Rashab relates a story to the Freirdiker Rebbe as a child about lies and truth
The Frierdiker Rebbe
"A Simchas Torah of Joy and Tears" – The first Simchas Torah by the Frierdiker Rebbe in 5681
"The Saving Angel" - The Frierdiker Rebbe's bracha to one who gave tzedakah
"Without Any Fear" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's mesiras nefesh that led to his arrest in 5687
"A Better Arrangement" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's care with halacha
"Come With Me" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's interrogation by the G.P.U. in 5680
"Akeidas Yitzchok in Lubavitch" – The Frierdiker Rebbe assumes responsibility for the klal at the age of 15
"The Saintly Lawyer" – The Frierdiker Rebbe assumes the guise of a lawyer
"The Witty Escape" – The Frierdiker Rebbe advises a Chossid to turn himself in to the KGB
"In Merit of the Rebbe" – How the Frierdiker Rebbe helped bochurim on tahalucha
"Angel of a Thousand" – The Frierdiker Rebbe gives an amazing bracha to a patient in the merit of his supporting the yeshiva
"A Promise Almost Broken" - The Frierdiker Rebbe materializes a bracha given by a Chossid
"My Grandfather Visited Me" – The Freirdiker Rebbe's remarkable dream of the Rebbe Maharash
"Bitter Tears" – A story about the Frierdiker Rebbe's concern for Yidden
The Rebbe
Review of the new book "My Story" from JEM
Review of the new book "One By One" from JEM
"A Greater Business" - As told by Rabbi Mayer Zeiler for JEM's "My Story"
"Is He Working on His Inventions?" - A story from the lifelong relationship of Rabbi Dr. Naftali Berg with the Rebbe
"Not Forgotten" - The Rebbe recognizes the Bachur (Reb Shlomo Vishedzky) who procured Mashke at a Farbrengen
"Caring For A Stranger" - The Rebbe's care for a young orphan
"A Sudden Urge for Tefillin" - The Rebbe's surprising request to a Yeshiva Bachur
"Someone Who Cared" The Rebbe's unique care for a young Yeshiva boy
When the Rebbe appeared in a dream to prevent an intermarriage from happening
"When You'll Finish Your Shlichus" - Why Reb Gershon Jacobson of the Algemeiner Journal ended up in the hospital
When the Rebbe's words broke through the danger in Morocco – Yud-Alef Nissan 5741
"Asking for a Friend" - How the Rebbe saved a child from abortion
"The Rebbe and the Judge" - A leftist Israeli Supreme Court Justice's is warmed by the Rebbe's Hakafos
"He Will Return" - The Rebbe's vision for a Jewish child returning to his people
"When Hair Grows On My Palm" - The Rebbe blesses a couple suffering from infertility
When Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Glitzenstein was reminded by the Rebbe to continue writing detailed Duchos
"Find Another Way To Go Back" - Delivering Tanyas and mezuzos leads to a healty birth!
When the Rebbe reminded Dr. Felig at a farbrengen how he lit the Menorah at the Airport
"The Four Extra Dollars"
"Check Your Mezuzos" - A Bracha to prevent a Miscarriage
"Lasting Effect" - Why the Rebbe told a Chossid to not encourage someone to keep Torah and Mitzvos
"The Rebbe Got Rid of my Termites"
"On My Shoulders" - The Rebbe looks after a young boy learning far from home
"Where are the Talmidim?" - The Rebbe makes mention of the Bachurim non allowed at the Seder
"I Had Them In Mind" - The Rebbe's response to Bachurim saved from a fiery car crach
"The Ice Cream Recipe" - The Rebbe pushes a Shliach to send a girl an ice cream recipe to bring her closer to Yiddishkeit
"We Will Think of You" - The Rebbe guides two Merkos Shluchim through the wilderness of Alaska
"Long Life"
"Moshe Rabbeinu in Tasmania" - The Rebbe sends a shliach to a family in distress
"A New Beginning" - The Rebbe lifts a lost Jewish soul from the brinks of suicide
"Sometimes It Takes 50 Years" - The Rebbe forsees a Jew's connection with Lubavitch years beforehand
"The Rebbe Was Looking for Someone" - The Rebbe was attuned to each individual even while farbrenging with thousands
"Retroactively Disappeared" - The Rebbe wishes a Bochur a Refuah after going through a car accident
"A Malach and a Chossid" - How Reb Shneur Zalman Blesofsky came to Lubavitch
"You Dont Just Give 'Shalom'" - The Rebbe shakes the hand of a Bobover Chossid and gives him a job to do
"You Have Lost All Hope From Heaven?" - The Rebbe blesses a childless couple and encourages them to strangthen their Bitachon
"Do you have a Pan to give the Rebbe"? - The Rebbe takes a Pan from a Bochur in need
"The Cure Before the Illness"
"The Rebbe Remembered" - An amazing encounter by Sunday dollars
"Time to Recover" - The Rebbe blesses a Jew with a long life
"The Rebbe Opened His Eyes" - A bracha for a baby's eyesight at a Sunday Dollars
The Rebbe explains to Rabbi Nachman Bernhard why he should remain at his post as a Rabbi in South Africa
"As Long As I Remember" - The Rebbe recalls a Chossid's birthday
"To Save a Jewish Life" - The Rebbe urges Dr. Henry Romberg to stay in America and influence other Jews
"The Miracle Was That They Listened" - The Rebbe helps a woman accused of smuggling diamonds
"Secret Aid" – When the Rebbe secretly helped a Yid after a yechidus
"I'm not even sick" – the Rebbe warns a Kallah of an impending illness
"Tell Her Parents" – The Rebbe's mysterious remark regarding a troubled girl
"A Yechidus 10 Years long" – related by Reb Yoel Kahn
"An Unexpected Explanation" – When the Rebbe suddenly appeared and answered all the questions on a sicha
"And it was at Midnight" - A miracle saves the lives of triplets
"Why The Bris Was on Time"
"Saving Neshamos at University" – A story from Sefer Hazichronos of Reb Moshe, the Alter Rebbe's great-grandfather
"The Simple Solution" – A poshute Yid can perform miracles
"A Chassidishe Village" – Life in Shtzedrin with its rav, Reb Yisroel Moshe
"A Life-Changing Glimpse" – A description of the Chossid Reb Zalman Arsher
"Honey in Exchange for a Sting" – An amazing story about Reb Sender, the great-grandfather of Rebbetzin Rivka and a Chossid of the Alter Rebbe
"The Price of a String" - Reb Meir Refoels is tested by Eliyahu Hanavi
"Where is the Farbrengen?" – How Chassidim farbrenged in dire circumstances
"Simcha Shel Mitzva" – A bochur's transformation after baking matzos in Lubavitch
"Fear No Man" – A story about the Razah
"The Modern Day Mikdash" – Reb Avraham Ber Bobroisker visits Lubavitch as a child
"A Hat, a Tailor, and a Promise" – A tailor saves Reb Hillel Paritcher
Bearer of Good News" – A story about the Alter Rebbe's Chossid Shimon ‘Der Blecher' and the importance of telling the Rebbe good news
"Celebrating a Beating" – A story of the Alter Rebbe's Chossid's sacrifice for Chassidus
"Chessed Sheb'Chessed" – How Reb Hillel Paritcher gave his talmidim a Chassidishe education
Biographies of Chassidim
Early Chassidim
Reb Avraham Shmuel – Reb Yitzchok the tailor's father
Reb Shimon (Harofe) Asia
Reb Binyomin Kletzker
Reb Chaim Yehoshua
Reb Yekusiel Leipler
Reb Mordechai Horodoker
"Half A Rebbe" - Reb Hillel Paritcher
Reb Zalman Zezmer
"Whose Name?" - Reb Zalman Zezmer explains to Reb Chaim of Volozhin why he referred to Hashem as 'Esav'
Reb Nechemya of Dubrovna
Reb Boruch Mordechai Bobroisker
Reb Moshe Yitzchok of Yasi
Reb Zalman of Dubrovna
Reb Yosef Kol-Bo
Chassidim of the Middle Generations
Reb Shneur Zalman Fradkin (Baal Toras Chesed)
Reb Yitzchok Chaim Ber Vilensky
Reb Shmuel Ber Borisever (Rashdam)
Reb Dovid Tzvi Chein
Reb Mendel Chein
Reb Pesach Molastavker
Reb Berel Kremenchuger
Reb Shilem Kuratin
Reb Avraham Chaim Rosenbaum
Reb Shmuel Michel Treinen
Reb Yehuda Eber
Reb Chatche Feigen
Reb Shmuel Gurary
"Of Heart and Quill" – Reb Eliyahu Chaim Altoiz
"Reb Zalman Moshe Hayitzchaki
Reb Chaim Moshe Alperowitz
Reb Shmuel (Krislaver) Notik
Reb Mordechai Dubin
Reb Asher Nikolayiver
Reb Avraham Dovid Posner
Reb Chanoch Hendel
Reb Yaakov Zuravitcher
"If I Had Twenty Yankelach" - Reb Yaakov Maskalik (Zuravitcher)
Reb Alter Simchovitch
Reb Michoel Dvorkin
A Heartfelt Letter Written by Reb Michoel Dvorkin to the Frierdiker Rebbe
Chassidim of the Rebbe
"A Living Legend" – Reb Mendel Futerfas
"Service and Discretion" - The life and times of the legendary mazkir, Reb Moshe Leib Rodshtein
"The Rebbe's Chief of Staff" - Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Aizik Hodakov
"Unique Even In Previous Generations" – Reb Shmuel Levitin
"A Link in the Golden Chain" - Reb Shneur Zalman Halevi Duchman
"Sworn to Secrecy" - Reb Eliyahu (Yaichel) Simpson
"The Lamplighter From Lubavitch" – Reb Yitzchok Dubov
"Bearer of our Heritage" – Reb Refoel Nachman HaKohen ("Folleh") Kahn
"The Rebbe's Partizan" – Reb Zushe Wilmovsky
"I Have Planted a Cedar Tree in Eretz Yisroel" - Reb Ephraim Wolff
"Physician to Royalty" – Dr. Seligson
"A Soldier In Yerushalayim" – Reb Avrum Hersh Cohen
"Without Fail" – Reb Volf Greenglass
"Sacrifice and Devotion" - Reb Dovid Bravman
"Gaon and Chossid" – Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin
"A Paragon of Devotion and Sacrifice" – Reb Itche Goldin
"The Making of a Chossid" – Reb Immanuel Schochet, Part 1
"The Making of a Chossid" – Reb Immanuel Schochet, Part 2
"Chossid at the Front" – Reb Avraham Parshan
"Dependable and Discreet" - Reb Avrohom Chanoch Glitzenstein
"The Rebbe's Hero (‘Held')" – Reb Berel Baumgarten
"The Shadar" – Reb Shmuel Dovid Raichik
"A Staunch Soldier" – Reb Yaakov Yehuda Hecht
"A Wonder Among The Tmimim" – Reb Shlomo Zalman Hecht
"The Tractorist" – Reb Reuven Dunin
Reb Shlomo Aharon Kazarnovsky
"With Heart and Soul" – Reb Yochanan Gordon
"Despite All Odds" – Reb Avraham Pariz
"The First of Thousands of Baalei Teshuva" - Reb Yaakov Hanokah
"The Rebbe's Man in Mathematics" - Proffesor Paul Rosenbloom
"From Harvard to 770" – Yitzchok Block
"Svoy Brat" (One of Ours) – Reb Berel Junik
"Mein Mottele" – Rabbi Mordechai Mentlick
"Fire and Passion" – Reb Leibel Raskin
"The Rebbe's Staunch Soldier" – Reb Bentzion Shemtov
Reb Berke Chein
Reb Hershel Leiberman
Reb Dovid Raskin
"A Friend of Every Jew" – Reb Pinye Altoiz
"Devoted Chossid, Man of the World" – Reb Uriel Tzimmer
"Made in the USA" – Rabbi Avraham Dov Hecht
"In My Room in 770" – Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Hecht
Dem Rebben's a Mentch
Misha Der Decher
Mr. David Chase
"The Rebbe's Gvir" - Reb Yossel Robinson
Abe Saks
Reb Levi Freidin
Reb Alexander Sender Reinen
Reb Yaakov (Yankel) HaKohen Katz
Interview with Mr. Pinchas Kalms about his guidance from the Rebbe
What is the ‘Arum of Chassidus?'
"The Moisture in a Chossid's Life" – What is Chassidishe lachluchis and why do you need it?
Why it's important to have the 'Arum of Chassidus'
Luminaries - Personalities in the Rebbe's Torah
Shmuel Hanavi
Esther Ha'malka
Shimon HaTzaddik
Hillel Hazaken
Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai
Rebbi Meir
Rebbi Yehoshua
The Ramban
The Arizal
The Maharal
Treasures from the Rebbe's Library
The Haftorah Scroll
Selections of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s Diary — 5705
"What I Saw, Heard and Felt" - A beautiful letter written by 770’s legendary gabbai, Reb Yochanan Gordon to the Frierdiker Rebbe
The Menorah of Chassidus - A Drawing from the Frierdiker Rebbe showing Seven generations of Nesi'im
Moshiach's Sefer Torah
Gmach Shomrei Shabbos
The Viledniker
"To Our Dear Rebbe" - personal blessings and wishes from leaders in Eretz Yisroel for the Rebbe's 70th birthday
"The Round Table" - Built by the Rebbe Maharash
"The Rebbe and Rebbetzin's Journey" - Historic Documents connected with 28 Sivan
"May They See The Rebbe Again" - Two Pannim to the Frierdiker Rebbe
"The Tehillim of the Rebbe's Parents"
"The First Shtenders Used By The Rebbe"
Bochurim and Children
What is a Tomim?
"Why are we in Tomchei Tmimim" – The Rebbe's Rashab's letter to the bochurim
The Tziyur of a Tomim
Letter - "A Badge of Honor" - The uniqueness of a Lubavitcher Yeshiva
A lesson from the Mishkan for bochurim
Tests in Yeshivos - the Rebbe's Hora'os
"A ‘Koch' in Learning" – A bochur's existence
Semicha – More than just a certificate
Yechidus with Rabbi Sholom Ber Wolpo – A bochur from Eretz Yisroel learning by the Rebbe
Ksav Yad – Tomchei Tmimim is your true family
Ksav Yad – How a Bochur can properly use his time and energy
Ksav Yad – A response to a bochur regarding learning other Torah topics than what is being learnt in yeshiva
Ksav Yad – The importance of a bochur receiving guidance from mashpi'im
"Where are the Talmidim?" - The Rebbe makes mention of the Bachurim non allowed at the Seder
Tomchei Tmimim in Lubavitch
The history of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim
Worthy Tmimim" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes what the hanahala did with bochurim who didn't have kabbalas ol and didn't care too much about learning Chassidus
"Push, You'll Get In" – Reb Shaul Ber Zislin describes a visit to Lubavitch for Shavuos in 5662
"Shabbos in Lubavitch" – The incredible experience every Shabbos after the Rebbe Rashab founded Tomchei Tmimim
"Chassidus With the Rebbe" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes hearing (and missing) a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab as a bochur in Lubavitch
"Shavuos in Lubavitch" - Reb Yisroel Jacobson recalls Shavuos as a bochur in 5674
"Eating Snow" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes a farbrengen of Tmimim in Lubavitch
The Frieridker Rebbe's emotional appeal to help the bochurim in Poland
The Rebbe and Bochurim
A Year With the Rebbe - The story of the "Kevutza"
"Conquering Down Under" - The story of the first group of Talmidim Hashluchim to Australia
The Rebbe expresses the priceless value of bochurim to Reb Reb Mendel Futerfas
‘Hu Bachaim' for bochurim
Letter - How a bochur can give the Rebbe nachas ruach
Transcript of a Yechidus with a Bochur, with the Rebbe's handwritten edits
"Dem Rebben's Kinder" – The special connection of the Rebbe with the bochurim
"Infinite Value"
The Rebbe's advice in yechidus to a bochur (Reb Berel Yunik) about his challenges – Iyar 5710
Yechidus with Reb Leibel Kaplan a"h as a bochur
Reb Yitzchok Meir Gurary – His yechidusen as a bochur
Yechidusen of Reb Bentzion Stein as a bochur
The Rebbe and Hanhala
Reb Yisroel Freidman relates the Rebbe's involvement in the hanhala and the bochurim
Ksav Yad – Bracha to Reb Shmuel Levitin on Erev Rosh Hashanah for success with his students
The Rebbe's advice to a mashpia of bochurim – Reb Yitzchok Meir Gurary of Montreal
Horaos in Chinuch
"Beyond Concession" - The struggle of our Rabbeim to preserve the purity of Jewish education
Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh
"Purity of the Mind" – Educating children only with Torah
"Education From the Womb" - The Rebbe’s insights and instructions on early-childhood education, beginning well before birth
Exposing our children to Kosher images only
Is (the Yiddish) language important in instruction?
A collection of letters about the importance of chinuch in Chabad mosdos
Horaos in Chinuch in a yechidus with Reb Itche Gansburg, director of the Chabad network (Reshet) of schools in Eretz Yisroel, Tishrei 5718
Horaos in Chinuch in a yechidus with Reb Aron Dov Sufrin – Lubavitch education in London, England
Ksav Yad - The Rebbe on not accepting children from non-frum homes in frum schools
Ksav Yad - Responsibility towards students
Ksav Yad - "Small Talk" - with parents of students
Ksav Yad - Parents dealing with a son’s challenges, educational and general
Ksav Yad - Explain to the children at the gradution, the message of that day's Hayom Yom (A Yid does not want, nor is he capable of being separated from Elokus)
Ksav Yad - Not to leave work in chinuch to go into business
The Rebbe's guidance on administrating a mosad chinuch
A detailed curriculum for Chadorim created by the Rebbe in 5703
The Rebbe's directives on splitting up classes
The Rebbe's guidance on how to be mechanech children
The Rebbe and Children
"Released Time" – Rescuing Jewish American youth one hour a week
"Moshe Rabbeinu is Jealous" – the Rebbe's remarkable response to a Bochur in Yeshiva regarding Released Time
"Talks and Tales" – Capturing the hearts of the young, their parents and their teachers
"A Message to the Children" – The Rebbe writes to the readers of 'Talks and Tales' about the Frierdiker Rebbe, after 10 Shevat 5710
"The Rebbe's Children" – How the Rebbe raised a generation of Chassidim in America
"Children Educate" – The story of Shnas Hachinuch and the 12 Pesukim
"Children at the Forefront" – The Rebbe's intensified activities for Jewish children in the summer of 5740 under the slogan ‘V'Heishiv Lev Avos…"
"On the Front Lines" – The story of Tzivos Hashem
Letter - The Rebbe explains the message of the cover of ‘Talks and Tales' magazine
Pictures - "A Personal Moment with a Personal Pushka" – 1 Adar 5747
Pictures - "Children Only" – 11 Tishrei 5752
Pictures - "The Guarantors Guarantee" – Distribution of siddurim to children, Erev Shavuos 5739
Summer / Camp
"A Chassidisher Summer" - Overview of the Rebbe's approach to summer vacation
"Days Full" - A selection of what the Rebbe says about the importance of utilizing one’s time to the fullest
The Rebbe's Hora'os for Teachers keeping i touch with their Students during Vacation
A letter from the Rebbe to children about the true purpose of the summer
The Rebbe asks a bochur who taught others in the summer: "And what did you learn?"
"In the Rebbe's Reshus" – The Rebbe and Camp Gan Yisroel
Yoman – 16 Tammuz 5716 – Miracle at camp visit
Yoman – 15 Tammuz 5717 – The Inaugural Visit
Yoman - 15 Tammuz 5720 – Third camp visit
Pictures - "Greeting the Campers" – Elul 5717
Education for non-Jews
"A Light Unto the Nations" – Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach
Education Day U.S.A. – The Rebbe's vision for education
"Education Day U.S.A. – A national holiday
Moment of Silence