Derher Archive

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“The Derher online archive is truly a treasure trove of information. Before my trip to Kazakhstan, I searched the archive, and printed all the articles about the Rebbe’s father. I read them with the group on our plane and it was amazing to get that background before our trip!”

-Sruli S.

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Derher Index


The Rebbe's Farbrengens



The Rebbe's Family

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka

Harav Levi Yitzchok

The Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok

  • "Broad Perception and Meticulous Precision" – The Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok

  • "Precious Little of a Vast Treasure" - How we received the Torah of the Rebbe's father

  • "Exploring The Depth" - A small sampling of the Torah of Harav Levi Yitzchok

  • "Interpreting The Depth" - The Rebbe's teachings on his father's Torah

  • "The Sacred Scar" (A story in the Zohar) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "A Focused Storm" (Yonah being cast into the sea) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "The Giant Bones" (of those who perished in the Mabul) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "The Deer Trapping Rabbi" (Rabbi Chiya's efforts in preserving Torah) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "Tzitzis In or Out" (The story in the Zohar and the Chabad custom) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "He is Alive" (The Zohar's description of Rashbi's final moments) - The Rebbe explains selections of his father's Torah

  • "When Giving is Not Getting" - A story in the Zohar about true mesiras nefesh

  • "Where to Draw the Line?" - A lesson from a story in Gemara about passionate zealotry or kindness and compassion

  • "It's About Who You Know" - Sometimes all it takes is a friend that is living with angels

  • "What Do We Really See?" - Why the Tannaim needed to use sights around them to understand Torah

  • "Divine Impulse" - When does Hashem want to make a miracle for us and when is a mitzvah supposed to be performed via natural means

  • "Lettuce, Cucumbers and Radishes" - Why does the Gemara use these to describe the great wealth of two great individuals?

  • "Poverty is a Thing?" - Why is merely being poor a deserving reason to reward a person

Rebbetzin Chana

Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib

The Rebbe's Youth and Ancestry


Pictures and Articles




Interviews and Biographies of Chassidim


Fulfilling the Rebbe's Horaos

Hu Bachayim

The Essence of a Rebbe

The Hiskashrus of Chassidim

Chassidim Farbreng

Writing to the Rebbe

Tziyur Pnei Harav

Mashpia - עשה לך רב


Chitas and Rambam

Sichos on Rambam


About the Ohel

Miracles of the Rebbe after Gimmel Tammuz

The Rebbe's Torah

Essential Themes in the Rebbe's Torah


The Rebbe with Guests

The Rebbe and Russian Jewry

The Rebbe and Eretz Yisroel

Avodas Hashem

Learning and Spreading the Teachings of Chassidus

Farbrengens and Stories

  • "Captivated" – Reb Yoel Kahn on how can we appreciate and internalize Chassidus today

  • "Forced From Within" – A story about how the teachings of Chassidus transformed a Yid

Learning Chassidus

Chazzering Chassidus

Sifrei Chassidus

Timely Titles



Topics in Chassidus

Chassidishe Approach

What is Chassidus?



Ahavas Yisroel




Learning Torah

המעשה הוא העיקר



What is a Yid?


Hanachos Ha'olam

Positive Thought

בכל דרכיך דעהו

Getting Clarity


Buying a Home

Chassidishe Pride

Hashgacha Protis


The Power of Words

Cheshbon Hanefesh



Tactics of the Yetzer Horah


מסירות נפש

Halacha and Minhag



Bar Mitzva


Family Planning

Giving a Jewish Name



Health and Wellness



Tragedy and Mourning

Baalei Teshuva




The Holocaust

Lessons from the world

Hafatzas Hamaayanos


Going on Shlichus

Kisvei Yad About Shlichus


Mitzva Tanks

The Ten Mivtzoim


Beis Chabad

Dealing with difficulties

The Rebbe with the Shluchim

The Rebbe with Baalei Batim

Bochurim - Shluchim

Shlichus around the world

Moshiach and Geula


What is Moshiach?

Techiyas Hameisim

Beis Hamikdash

Simanim of Geula

Bringing Moshiach

Crying Ad Mosai

Yemos HaMoshiach


Around the Year


The Month of Tishrei

Spending Tishrei with the Rebbe

Rosh Hashanah

Yom Kippur

Asares Yimei Teshuva


Simchas Torah

End of Tishrei


The Month of Cheshvan

20 Cheshvan


The Month of Kislev

Rosh Chodesh Kislev

Tes-Yud Kislev

Yud-Daled Kislev

Yud-Tes Kislev



The Month of Teves

Hey Teves

Asara B'Teves

Chof Teves - Yohrtzait of the Rambam

Chof-Daled Teves


The Month of Shevat

Yud Shevat

15 Shevat


The Month of Adar


Chof-Zayin Adar 1


The Month of Nissan

Beis Nissan

  • "Ashkavta D'Rebbi" - The histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab. Personal recollections of this sublime saga and the tumultuous events leading up to this date recorded and transcribed in diary form

Yud-Alef Nissan


Sefiras Haomer


The Month of Iyar

Pesach Sheini

Lag B'omer


The Month of Sivan


Chof-Ches Sivan


The Month of Tammuz

Yud-Beis Tammuz


The Month of Menachem-Av

Three weeks – Tisha B'Av

Chamishah Asar B'Av


The Month of Elul

Chai Elul

Yemei Haselichos



Days of Meaning – Complete Calender

A Word on the Parsha

Rashi Sichos

Arum Chassidus

Chassidishe History

Chronological Biographies of the Rabbeim

Chabad History



About Negina

Background to Niggunim

A Chassidishe Story

Its importance

Reb Yoel Baal Shem

The Baal Shem Tov

The Mezritcher Maggid

Talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov and Maggid

Hidden Tzaddikim

The Alter Rebbe

The Mitteler Rebbe

  • "Far, Near and Expensive" – The Mitteler Rebbe helps Reb Yekusiel Leipler find a cure for his son

  • "True Discretion" – Reb Yaakov Cadaner related some of the character traits of the Mitteler Rebbe

  • "A Watery Lesson" – When Reb Yosef Sholom of Shklov was taught a lesson in tzedakah from his Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe

The Tzemach Tzedek

The Rebbe Maharash

The Rebbe Rashab

The Frierdiker Rebbe

  • "A Simchas Torah of Joy and Tears" – The first Simchas Torah by the Frierdiker Rebbe in 5681

  • "The Saving Angel" - The Frierdiker Rebbe's bracha to one who gave tzedakah

  • "Without Any Fear" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's mesiras nefesh that led to his arrest in 5687

  • "A Better Arrangement" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's care with halacha

  • "Come With Me" – The Frierdiker Rebbe's interrogation by the G.P.U. in 5680

  • "Akeidas Yitzchok in Lubavitch" – The Frierdiker Rebbe assumes responsibility for the klal at the age of 15

  • "The Saintly Lawyer" – The Frierdiker Rebbe assumes the guise of a lawyer

  • "The Witty Escape" – The Frierdiker Rebbe advises a Chossid to turn himself in to the KGB

  • "In Merit of the Rebbe" – How the Frierdiker Rebbe helped bochurim on tahalucha

  • "Angel of a Thousand" – The Frierdiker Rebbe gives an amazing bracha to a patient in the merit of his supporting the yeshiva

  • "A Promise Almost Broken" - The Frierdiker Rebbe materializes a bracha given by a Chossid

  • "My Grandfather Visited Me" – The Freirdiker Rebbe's remarkable dream of the Rebbe Maharash

  • "Bitter Tears" – A story about the Frierdiker Rebbe's concern for Yidden

The Rebbe


  • "Saving Neshamos at University" – A story from Sefer Hazichronos of Reb Moshe, the Alter Rebbe's great-grandfather

  • "The Simple Solution" – A poshute Yid can perform miracles

  • "A Chassidishe Village" – Life in Shtzedrin with its rav, Reb Yisroel Moshe

  • "A Life-Changing Glimpse" – A description of the Chossid Reb Zalman Arsher

  • "Honey in Exchange for a Sting" – An amazing story about Reb Sender, the great-grandfather of Rebbetzin Rivka and a Chossid of the Alter Rebbe

  • "The Price of a String" - Reb Meir Refoels is tested by Eliyahu Hanavi

  • "Where is the Farbrengen?" – How Chassidim farbrenged in dire circumstances

  • "Simcha Shel Mitzva" – A bochur's transformation after baking matzos in Lubavitch

  • "Fear No Man" – A story about the Razah

  • "The Modern Day Mikdash" – Reb Avraham Ber Bobroisker visits Lubavitch as a child

  • "A Hat, a Tailor, and a Promise" – A tailor saves Reb Hillel Paritcher

  • Bearer of Good News" – A story about the Alter Rebbe's Chossid Shimon ‘Der Blecher' and the importance of telling the Rebbe good news

  • "Celebrating a Beating" – A story of the Alter Rebbe's Chossid's sacrifice for Chassidus

  • "Chessed Sheb'Chessed" – How Reb Hillel Paritcher gave his talmidim a Chassidishe education

Biographies of Chassidim

Early Chassidim

Chassidim of the Middle Generations

Chassidim of the Rebbe

Dem Rebben's a Mentch

What is the ‘Arum of Chassidus?'

  • "The Moisture in a Chossid's Life" – What is Chassidishe lachluchis and why do you need it?

  • Why it's important to have the 'Arum of Chassidus'

Luminaries - Personalities in the Rebbe's Torah

Treasures from the Rebbe's Library

Bochurim and Children


What is a Tomim?

Tomchei Tmimim in Lubavitch

  • The history of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim

  • Worthy Tmimim" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes what the hanahala did with bochurim who didn't have kabbalas ol and didn't care too much about learning Chassidus

  • "Push, You'll Get In" – Reb Shaul Ber Zislin describes a visit to Lubavitch for Shavuos in 5662

  • "Shabbos in Lubavitch" – The incredible experience every Shabbos after the Rebbe Rashab founded Tomchei Tmimim

  • "Chassidus With the Rebbe" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes hearing (and missing) a maamar from the Rebbe Rashab as a bochur in Lubavitch

  • "Shavuos in Lubavitch" - Reb Yisroel Jacobson recalls Shavuos as a bochur in 5674

  • "Eating Snow" – Reb Yisroel Jacobson describes a farbrengen of Tmimim in Lubavitch

  • The Frieridker Rebbe's emotional appeal to help the bochurim in Poland

The Rebbe and Bochurim

The Rebbe and Hanhala


Horaos in Chinuch

The Rebbe and Children

Summer / Camp

Education for non-Jews